Ford announces a two-legged robot 'Digit' carrying luggage to the front door for 'full unmanned home delivery' realization

Ford Motor, a major US automaker, has partnered with American venture company

agility robotics to announce the two-legged robot Digit , which delivers luggage from the courier to the front door. An image movie is being released where Digit will carry luggage to the front of the house in a self-driving car.

Meet Digit: A Smart Little Robot That Could Change the Way Self-Driving Cars Make Deliveries

Digit: Future of Self-Driving Vehicle Delivery | The Future of Ford and Transportation | Ford-YouTube

The movie starts from the launch scene of 'Digit'. Digit seems to have an activation switch between the arms and arms, like the neck.

When you press the switch to start Digit will stand up for you.

This is what the front of Digit looks like. The upper part of the image shows a 'head' like an eye camera or sensor device attached, and the chest reads 'DIGIT-1.'

A woman who appears in the movie sends a message to her father, 'I am busy with exams and reports and I do not have time to go shopping.'

The father who saw it purchases goods by net mail order.

The net mail order company who received the order packed up the product ...

Hand over to Digit's robotic arm.

Ford's self-driving car runs through the city ...

Arrived in front of the house.

The back door of the auto driving car rear opens ...

The Digit stored at the rear of the car lands on the ground.

In conjunction with map data of self-driving cars, Digit determines the best route to the front door. Also, Digit can carry luggage weighing up to 40 pounds (approximately 18 kilograms).

If an obstacle is detected ahead ...

We detect with sensor and move around obstacles.

You can also go up and down stairs.

Take down the luggage at the door ......

Delivery is complete.

You will be notified by mail that the package has arrived.

The specific time to put Digit into practical use has not been decided at the time of writing.

in Hardware,   Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log