The mystery of 'Cowper's liquid' that appears before ejaculation, which is unexpectedly unknown

Extravaginal ejaculation is a contraceptive method that is widely used worldwide and does not require special tools. However, there are cases where even if carried out coitus interruptus women become pregnant, it is how men of such because had misjudged the timing of ejaculation, or come out before ejaculation ' pre-ejaculate (Cowper's fluid ) ”, Etc., is described by the scientific journal Scientific American.
Can You Prevent Pregnancy with the Pullout Method? --Scientific American
The chances of getting pregnant vary depending on the individual's physical condition and timing, but to prevent unintended pregnancy, you can use contraceptives such as condoms or contraceptives such as pills. About half of the questions asked on the website about emergency contraceptives, one of such contraceptives, in a year are 'comments that talk about the fear of getting pregnant with the liquid that comes out before ejaculation.' This is data that clearly shows that women are at risk of sexual activity without a condom, even if they ejaculate outside the vagina.
What women are scared of is the fluid that comes out of the penis during sexual activity called 'precum'. This cowper fluid is a secretion that is unknowingly released from a part of the penis called the cowper gland, and plays a role as a lubricating oil that 'makes sperm pass smoothly through the urethra during ejaculation.'
When Scientific American's chief editor, Jen Schwartz , asked Michael Eisenberg of Stanford University School of Medicine if Cowper's fluid could cause a woman to become pregnant, 'The real point is Cowper's fluid. Not. We know that extravaginal ejaculation is not effective for contraception. '

In the first place, extravaginal ejaculation is still the most common method of contraception even in modern times, especially in areas where modern contraceptive methods are not available. In fact, research has shown that when extravaginal ejaculation is 'perfect', the odds of failing contraception are not far greater than when using condoms. According to the survey, the probability that a woman will become pregnant even with each contraceptive method is up to 2% for condoms and up to 4% for extravaginal ejaculation. About 4 out of 100 women who do it get pregnant. '
However, there are not many cases in which extravaginal ejaculation is 'perfect' in real life. Many men cannot realize that they are imminent in ejaculation and fail to ejaculate outside the vagina. The Manual of Family Planning and Contraceptive Practice , published in 1970, states that 'many men may release semen intermittently or long-term rather than once. There are many cases where men do not understand that the highest concentration of semen is the part that first appears during ejaculation. In other words, the case of 'a drunken person attempting extravaginal ejaculation but a delayed response ...' can be particularly problematic, Schwartz said. In fact, studies investigating the failure rate of extravaginal ejaculation have shown that the failure rate can be as high as 20-30%.
From these data, experts in the field of sexual and reproductive health are negative about contraception with extravaginal ejaculation because they do not believe that men can perform perfect extravaginal ejaculation every time. Meanwhile, the surprising fact that many women fear 'whether sperm is present in Cowper's fluid' has not been studied in detail, Schwartz said.
As a result of integrating the answers collected from doctors, scientific journals, educational institutions, etc., it seems that the Cowper's solution itself does not contain sperm, or it does contain sperm from time to time. However, there is a sufficient risk that sperm leaking from somewhere will be mixed into Cowper's solution. In addition, some sperm have remained on the penis since the last ejaculation, so Eisenberg said, 'There is some sperm, which can lead to contraceptive failure, even before ejaculation. '.

With little detail about Cowper's solution, the failure rate of extravaginal ejaculation is merely a 'founded guess' and is often controversial among experts.
Studies have shown that many people in the United States use extravaginal ejaculation for contraception, although men are more familiar with abortion and female reproductive organs, but less about male reproductive organs and abilities. Schwartz points out that they tend not to have detailed knowledge. In other words, not only women but also men are performing extravaginal ejaculation without being familiar with Cowper's solution.
In addition, the number of male sperm has been declining in recent decades, and in 2017, even researchers who talked about ' the possibility of extinction of human beings ' appeared due to the decrease in sperm count. In addition, meta-analysis has shown that male sperm counts in the United States, Europe, Australia and New Zealand have decreased by more than 50% within 40 years.
Nonetheless, Schwartz points out that it is a problem for men to not properly understand their relationship to pregnancy. Greg Sommer , the founder of Trak , which sells sperm test kits that can be done at home, also learned from the experience of conducting a survey with the release of sperm test kits that men 'how they contribute to pregnancy'. He says he hardly understands.
However, with the latest research results on sperm and the appearance of sperm test kits, it is a fact that awareness of sperm problems has gradually increased since 2017. Until now, women have been more burdened with pregnancy and contraception, such as contraception with drugs such as pills and cryopreservation of fertilized eggs, but 'pregnancy is a team sport. Awareness is growing, 'says Eisenberg, who says that there is a shift in consciousness among men. In addition, 'from now on, we also need to understand more about the male side,' he said, saying that females should also spread their knowledge about men and sperm.

One census reveals that more men want more options for contraception. Some men even try the crazy technique of 'degrading their sperm' as a contraceptive method other than condoms, vasectomy, and extravaginal ejaculation.
Trak is related to infertility education that operates web site at is on the forum, that the use of a steroid cream to reduce the number of sperm intentionally method has been in the news, some of the men repeated the experiment with their bodies It seems that it is. 'Don't underestimate men's willingness and creativity to have a better sex life,' says Sommer.
In addition, according to another survey , almost half of pregnant women in the United States say that 'pregnancy was unintended.' Also, according to the Guttmacher Institute, which conducts research on pregnancy and contraception, nearly 40% of women are not satisfied with the contraceptive method they use, causing health side effects from pills and tactile problems with condoms. He said he was making a compromise. For that reason, there are reports that it is less likely to use contraceptives consistently.
Given this background, it is necessary to deepen our understanding of the contraceptive method of extravaginal ejaculation, which is widely used all over the world. Understanding is 'important,' Schwartz said.

by sasint
So Schwartz is investigating how fertile the Cowper's solution is. I used Trak, a sperm test kit. Trak is FDA approved, but not designed to test Cowper's fluid before ejaculation. However, according to Sommer, Trak is also designed to detect sperm concentrations as low as 1 million or less per ml.
Therefore, Schwartz recruited subjects, stopped ejaculation for 48 hours, and then collected 5 ml of semen samples. After that, when the test was carried out according to the regular procedure, 55 million sperms were confirmed per 1 ml of semen. In addition, this number seems to be the 'optimal number' for pregnancy.
Subsequently, the subject's ejaculation was stopped for 48 hours, and this time the Cowper's solution was tested. When Schwartz gave Sommer an overview of the test in advance, he said, 'It can be difficult to accurately test Cowper's fluid. During masturbation and sexual activity, the sperm count of Cowper's fluid secreted. May be different. '
Schwartz does not disclose how Cowper's fluid was collected, but 'I understand that it was important to collect only Cowper's fluid.' Then, a sufficient amount of Cowper's solution was collected for about 30 minutes to use Trak's sperm test kit, and the test was performed. The result is less than 1 million sperms per ml, which is a number that can be considered infertility by WHO standards.
However, Schwartz notes that it is a test using a sperm test kit that was not developed to examine Cowper's solution, and that the experiment itself would have to be repeated multiple times if it were true. It is also noted that the same may be true for Cowper's fluid, as sperm counts in semen are variable and affected by health factors.
by sasint
Also, assuming that sperm are mixed in Cowper's solution, questions such as 'Can sperm swim in Cowper's solution?' And 'Is the sperm damaged?' In addition, if the sperm present in Cowper's fluid is not the sperm left behind during the previous ejaculation, there is still the question of where the sperm will leak out and get mixed into Cowper's fluid. Schwartz writes that there are many mysteries about liquids.
Answering these questions will help sublimate extravaginal ejaculation into a more useful way and help men and women understand exactly what the risk of pregnancy is if done correctly. Is clear. It should also help explain why you should have a perfect extravaginal ejaculation and have a 4% chance of getting pregnant.
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in Science, Posted by logu_ii