Open source gameboy emulator 'Gameboy.Live' with cloud gaming function

Gameboy.Live is a Gameboy emulator that is open source developed by Chinese software engineer
GitHub-HFO4 / ???? boy A basic gameboy emulator with terminal 'Cloud Gaming' support
According to Liu, as part of learning Go , a programming language developed by Google, he has developed Gameboy.Live, which lets you play Gameboy games on your desktop. Gameboy.Live is distributed on GitHub as well as executable files, and it can also be built from publicly available sources, and requires version 1.11 or higher. The license is MIT License .
The main feature of Gameboy.Live is that it enables cloud gaming using Telnet communication. Gameboy.Live also has a function to build a cloud game server, so by introducing Gameboy.Live to your own machine, it is possible to build a cloud server that allows you to play Gameboy anytime and anywhere. Game simulation and rendering will be done entirely on the server.
Click on the image below to see what the cloud gaming function connected with Telnet looks like and you can see the actual use of the cloud gaming function as a GIF animation.

Such features of Gameboy.Live are as follows.
・ Emulation of CPU instruction
・ Emulation of sound
・ Emulation of graphic
・ Timer and interrupt
-Memory access of the GB cartridge corresponds to normal, MBC1, MBC2 and MBC3
・ Cloud gaming function
・ ROM debugger function
In addition, Liu said at the time of the article creation 'Emulation of Gameboy color' 'Correspondence to MBC4, MBC5, HuC1 cartridge' 'Improvement of sound emulation completion' 'Save and restore game at cartridge level' 'Emulator We have put together the 'save and restore of the game at the level' and 'multiplayer support using the cloud gaming function' as 'TODO list we want to implement in the future'.
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