Why did the 13-year-old boy lean to the alternative right wing and then quit the alternative right wing

The right-wing alternative right- wing in the United States is thought to be characterized in that it supports President Donald Trump in asserting opposition to multiculturalism and immigration. A mother who has had a 13-year-old son at the time leaned on the right side of the Alterna, and has revealed a series of circumstances.
What Happened After My 13-Year-Old Son Joined The Alt-Right
◆ The cause is an event at school
This article was published anonymously on Washintonian, an entertainment news site that publishes a variety of information in Washington. The woman's son Sam, who was the author, was a regular boy attending a local public junior high school. Sam's group was a pretty liberal group, and some of his friends came out with gays.
One day, there was an exchange that Mr. Sam's friend made a joke to pass in the fellow and Sam heard it and laughed. A nearby girl student misunderstood that the conversation had sexual significance, and reported to the teacher that 'this is sexual harassment.'
As a result of this event, Sam was taken out of the classroom during his next class by his life instructor. Mr. Sam, who was said to be 'breaking the law,' was forced to write a statement by a police officer stationed at the school . At this time, the detention time extended to 8 hours, and the mother who saw Sam's crying eyes came home, knew the circumstances and decided the protest to the school.
The school also refuses protests from parents and detailed explanations of complaints received from girls. The manager of the school who pointed out Sam's actions as 'illegal' declared that 'as a person in charge and as a father with a daughter, protecting and caring a girl is the most important duty.' Of. After all, Sam agreed to write a letter of apology to the girl unwillingly, but she was shocked to feel ill and so on, and was strongly disappointed with the adult.

◆ Encounter with the alternative right wing
Sam's parents were deeply disappointed with the school, and decided that Sam could not attend public junior high school any more, and decided to transfer to private junior high school. However, Sam was disappointed with the people and was disappointed with the people at the previous school and was disappointed with the people, and that he could not get used to the new school.
The only people who talked to him, such as Reddit and 4chan, were online bulletin board users. Sam strongly agrees with the theory that 'every woman is a lie' whispered online, and eventually 'Islam is essentially a violent religion' 'Jews are taking over the world's financial network 'I have absorbed mysterious knowledge such as'.
Sam, who became addicted to the online community, is right-winged, saying, “The theory that the wage gap between men and women is large is false.” “A feminist destroys a family.” “A gun is required to protect oneself.” He says he has come to listen to claims, 'Women who abort their baby should be charged with sin.' Although these claims were contrary to Sam's conventional knowledge, they were aware of the existence of many words and data supporting the right-wing claim through the net, and Sam strengthened the alternative right-wing bias. .

◆ Incentive to the alternative right wing community
Thanks to his parents' efforts to raise a child with sympathy and observation, Sam was rated as a 'friendly person' by his teacher and friends. However, Sam used to strengthen the right-wing idea with information on the Internet, and eventually, he began to sue his mother as well.
The theory that 'divorced mothers do not want their children to meet their fathers' and Sam's assertion that 'a movement to sue the rights of men brings justice to the world' was the origin of the old days. It is one case where the statement of a girl student was unconditionally trusted at school and Sam's argument was not accepted. Until then, Sam's mother had never imagined that a man would be obsessed with men's supremacy based on the idea that 'men who are weaker than women need protection.' .
The break between Sam and his mother deepened, and Sam became more immersed in the online right-wing community. In the online community, there were no friends who thought Sam was a 13-year-old boy, and he was happy to be recognized as a full-bodied adult. In addition, conversations using Internet meme and right-wing comments posted by community leaders have also strengthened Sam's sense of belonging to the community.

◆ Turning point visited
It was Sam's turning point that he went to see a meeting of President Trump, who was held for about 30 minutes by train. As the white superintendents and opponents clashed in Charlottesville in August 2017, and there were developments that resulted in casualties , Sam's mother also said, 'I just want to go see something instead of participating.' It was said that he decided to accompany him to Sam, who claims, to accompany him.
When I went to the place where the rally was being held, Sam started asking the participants, 'Why are you in the rally?' As a result, the participating people made Mr. Sam very disappointed, either because their claims were contradictory, they just wanted to complain, or they just wanted to do cosplay of the military uniform. He also had the opportunity to talk to Reddit's famous Alterna right wing, but that person wasn't as good as Sam had imagined.

◆ Escape from the alternative right wing
Within a few months of participating in the rally, Sam slowly returned to his previous character of being involved in a public junior high school case. Sam seems to be exchanging messages with school friends, not online strangers, and also joining school clubs. My grades in school improved, and I had more conversations with my family.
One night, Sam visited his mother's bedroom and asked, 'When I got into a cult, did you dislike it?' Sam's mother said, 'I didn't hate it but I got confused' Sam said 'I hate myself. I was locked up and I thought I was an idiot.' I also confessed that there was a question about the claim of the alternative right wing. However, he said that he wanted to be a member of the community that he accepted as a member of the group, listening to his own statement firmly.
'Before I joined the alternative right-wing community, the teachers and parents didn't take seriously what I said. I just wanted to listen seriously to what I said. He treated me as a reasonable person and didn't laugh at me, 'Sam said. Sam got out of the thought of the alternative right wing, but Sam's mother continues to think about Sam's words after that.
by rawpixel.com
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