Explosive fire 'Backdraft' in 4K resolution & super slow shooting, powerful smoke and flame detonation movie released at unresponsive speed

Although a fire occurs in an enclosed space and it appears that the fire has fallen for a while, the phenomenon of a large explosion at the moment when the door or window is opened is '

backdraft '. A YouTube channel ' The Slow Mo Guys ' posting various slow motion movies has released a backdraft movie shot at 4K resolution . If you get caught up in the backdraft, you can see in the movie that you get caught at a speed that can not react.

4K Slow Motion Backdraft-YouTube

In the movie, we experimented with generating fire inside a sealed iron container and intentionally generating a backdraft. The moderators will be two people, Mr. Gavin and Mr. Daniel. The container has already been burned whether it is used many times in the same experiment

The interior of the container imitates a house, and furniture etc. are arranged. Place a flammable item at the rear of the container, close the rear door when the fire gets bigger, and guide the flame forward.

After the fire is loud enough inside, close all the doors and seal the inside. After standing for a while after opening, the upper part of the front door is opened, and the flammable carbon monoxide heated inside is rapidly combined with oxygen and changed to carbon dioxide in a large amount, causing an explosion. It is an assumption that a backdraft will occur.

In order to measure the power of the back draft, marshmallow stuck to the stick at intervals of 5 feet (approximately 1.5 meters) is placed in front of the door.

Mr. Gavin says, 'After the experiment, let's make a Smore with a burnt marshmallow.'

Backdraft is recorded with the

Phantom Slow 4K super slow camera that can shoot 4K resolution 1000 frames per second placed on the side.

Inside the container there is a

GoPro with fire protection.

The image inside the container by GoPro looks like this.

The experiment was conducted under the supervision of a fire brigade in Travis County, Texas, USA. The fire brigade fires inside and closes the rear door.

Black smoke has already risen from the window and the front door still open.

There are a total of 3 open windows and front doors, but the internal temperature has already reached 142 degrees.

Close the inside window by sealing the side windows and all the doors.

The internal temperature is 500 degrees at the sealed stage. The video by GoPro is in a state of being covered in a flame.

But at the moment the temperature recorded 531 degrees, GoPro loses heat and breaks down.

I opened the top of the door after the internal oxygen had burned out enough. Black smoke continues to rise from the top of the door.

I will wait for about 40 seconds, but only backfire does not occur and black smoke keeps rising.

Just when the firefighters who got rid of the numbness approached the door while saying 'Do you also open the lower side?'

Backdraft occurs. The smoke burst out like a pillar. Gavin and Daniel are also amazed at the surprise.

According to the movie taken with the super slow camera, it is clear that the smoke is emitted linearly and that the fire pillar is generated as it is wrapped in the smoke. 'I've reached at least 40 feet,' Gavin commented.

The marshmallow, which was placed 5 feet (approximately 1.5 meters) closest to the door, has no shadow or shape. However, the marshmallows, which were placed at 10 feet (about 3 meters), are slightly burnt, and Daniel commented, 'I'm not ready for baking, I can not eat it.'

We repeated the experiment and took several shots. The second backdraft is like this. A pillar of fire about twice as long as the container is produced.

The third time I shoot a backdraft from the front. It was a movie that it was understood well that it would be swallowed by the fire without being able to react if it was caught in the back draft.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log