A movie showing the recipe of 'the origin' of Coca-Cola in 1886 is now available.

It is a famous story that coca leaves containing cocaine were originally used for coca cola . Coca-Cola was originally invented by pharmacist John Pemberton , and at that time it was supposed to be used for treatment of morphine and opiate addiction as well as health benefits. A movie has appeared that tries to reproduce the taste of 1886 when Coca-Cola was born.

We Made 1886 Coca Cola Recipe || Glen & Friends Cooking-YouTube

This movie reproduces Pemberton's recipe, known as the inventor of Coca-Cola. At the time, Pemberton was studying cocaine, including Coca , Cola , and Damiana , and was trying to control his own morphine poisoning. The 1886 recipe is far from the current Coca-Cola recipe, and we will actually create a recipe that will be the 'origin'.

First of all, I prepared 75% alcohol.

And food grade essential oils. The difficult thing in reproducing the original recipe of Coca-Cola is that all the ingredients are included. There are bergamot, lemon, nutmeg, coriander, orange bitter and cinnamon oils on the table, but it is essential that you need neroli oil. However, neroli oil can not be obtained because it costs $ 480 (about 54,000 yen) in 5 ml, and orange bitter is used as a substitute.

These oils are dangerous, so it is important to avoid touching the skin directly.

First of all, suck up the oil with a dropper ...

I will put it in alcohol.

Once all the oil is in alcohol, stir.

The finished oil is not all used to make cola, it is 70 times the amount needed.

And coca leaves are also needed as a material, but because it is illegal to obtain coca leaves, we will not use them this time.

For reference, the flavor of coca leaves is 'bitter' added to cola, and some extracts have the same 'flavor' from

flavonoids as coca leaves. However, this extract was not used in this movie.

In fact, I will make it. First, pour water into the pot ...

Put a lot of sugar.

I put it on fire and melt sugar.

Squeeze the lime ...

Prepare the juice.

Put caramel in the pot ...

I will lower it from the fire once. The liquid is warmed to melt the sugar and does not need to be boiled. Vanilla essence and ...

Inject caffeine extract. Coca-Cola's 'Coca' is derived from cocaine, and 'Cola' is derived from cola nuts, but from the 1880s Mr. Pemberton had already used

caffeine citrate without using cola nuts. . However, it seems that a large amount of caffeine was used, which is not comparable to caffeine drinks sold today.

And with lime juice ...

Citric acid plus.

To look like this.

We will add the flavor we made first here.

For 2.25 liters of syrup, the amount of flavor added is 3 milliliters, just a little bit. This completes the concentrated syrup.

Pour carbonated water into a glass with concentrated syrup ...

Well, tasting.

The impression that I tasted is 'The flavor of lime is strong' 'It's a bit too sweet' 'I like the soft drink taste and I like it, but it is not Coca-Cola' 'I am not Pepsi' However, although it tastes good, it is not Coca-Cola, but it is a state of drink going on its own route. There was also an opinion that 'I think people who like lamb coke will like it' because they also contain alcohol.

in Video,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log