A new Viking ship buried underground is found in Norway

One of the characteristics of the '
Vestfold fylkeskommune --Ny skipsgrav fra vikingtiden funnet i Vestfold
Archeologists believe Norway find is rare Viking ship burial
Speaking of the characteristics of a Viking ship, it is common that the front end and the rear end are the same shape and elongated and supple. Also, during the Viking era, it is said that it was customary to bury the entire ship as a tomb for kings and chiefs like an old burial mound. The place that was found this time is also said to be such a burial place in Norway, and in October 2018, the tomb of the largest Viking ship ever was found in Norway.

This discovery is based on ground penetrating radar exploration, and although it is black and white data, it clearly shows the shape of the ship, and it is estimated that it is at least about 15 meters long. Terje Gansum, chief of the cultural heritage department in Vestfold, Norway, where the Viking ship was found, said, 'We will proceed with the investigation by non- destructive inspection that does not damage valuable materials and head for the discovery.' Represented.
Knut Paasche, an archaeologist at the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage, said, 'To clarify why the Viking ships have a unique shape and how the Vikings were sailing. Must discover more heritage. '

by Chris Rimmer
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