More than 50 caskets and a large number of burial items are unearthed, including the 4-meter-long Book of the Dead, which was buried over 3000 years ago in Egypt.
In January 2021, the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities announced that it had unearthed the burial temple of Queen
Funerary temple of Queen Nearit, wife of Pharaoh Teti, discovered --Daily News Egypt
Egypt unveils treasures found at ancient site --France 24
Egypt unlocks more secrets in Saqqara with discovery of temple, sarcophagi --ABC News
Egypt Saqqara: Ancient coffins, burial sites and a funeral temple discovered in necropolis will'rewrite history' | CNN Travel
13-foot-long'Book of the Dead' scroll found in burial shaft in Egypt | Live Science
King Teti was the first pharaoh of the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt, the last dynasty of the Old Kingdom of Egypt, which ruled Egypt around the 24th and 22nd centuries BC, and the ancient necropolis of Saqqara has a pyramid of King Teti . An Egyptian archaeological team investigating Saqqara discovered a part of the mortuary temple of King Teti's wife, Queen Niarit, a few years ago. It is said that three mudbrick warehouses for storing such items were also found.
The excavation team also reported that they had found more than 20 burial vertical holes at a depth of 10-12 m near Queen Nearlit's mortuary temple and excavated more than 50 wooden caskets from inside. The newly excavated casket was not buried during the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt, but during the New Kingdom of Egypt from 1570 BC to 1070 BC. Coffins have been excavated in Saqqara for some time, but they are all from the Late Egyptian and Ptolemaic dynasties of the 7th and 1st centuries BC, and it is said that this is the first time that a casket was discovered more than 3000 years ago.
You can see the wooden casket, burial items, and fragments of the Book of the Dead excavated this time in the following movie.
New discovery in Giza | Archeologists found funerary temple of Queen Neit --YouTube
The excavation site in Saqqara has been dug deep and many archaeologists are working on the excavation.
More than 50 caskets were found in the burial vertical holes found.
It is believed that the burial was a worshiper of King Tetti who wanted to be buried near the Pharaoh, and
Around the casket, a shrine dedicated to Anubis , the god of the underworld, has also been found, as burial items such as funeral masks, bird-shaped crafts, bronze axes, board games for playing in the afterlife, and imposing on the dead. A doll called ' Shabuti ' was also discovered, which was made to act for the labor.
In addition, well-preserved limestone steles have been found.
This monument belongs to a man named Kha-Ptah and his wife, Mwt-em-wia. At the top of the stone monument, two figures are engraved in honor of Osiris ...
At the bottom, a figure of six children lined up in front of the couple is engraved. Three sitting and smelling the scent of lotus flowers are said to be daughters, three standing are sons, and two of the children are named after the family of Pharaoh
A papyrus containing Chapter 17
The Book of the Dead is a book that describes the process by which the souls of the dead who left the body reach the afterlife paradise, and were buried with the dead in ancient Egypt.
'This discovery revealed that Saqqara was used for burial not only during the Late Period of Egypt, but also during the New Kingdom,' the Egyptian Ministry of Archeology said in a statement. 'This discovery rewrites the history of Saqqara, specifically the history of the New Kingdom, which began about 3000 years ago,' said Hawass.
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