An ancient Roman villa has been discovered near Mount Vesuvius, which caused a huge eruption that engulfed Pompeii. Could this be the villa where Pliny the Elder, the author of 'Natural History', saw the eruption?

by Comune Di Bacoli

During an excavation survey conducted in

Bacoli , a coastal city near Naples , Italy, a villa overlooking the sea that was built approximately 2,000 years ago during the ancient Roman era was discovered. This villa may have been the villa where Gaius Pliny Secundus (Pliny the Elder) , known for writing the encyclopedic Natural History , witnessed the eruption of Mount Vesuvius that caused his death. ... apparently ...

Naples: 2,000 year-old Roman beach house discovered during building work | CNN

1st-century villa discovered near Mount Vesuvius may be where Pliny the Elder watched catastrophic eruption | Live Science

The ancient Roman villa discovered this time is believed to have been built around the 1st century, and excavations uncovered floors and tiled walls, as well as thick stone walls for 10 spacious rooms, and an outdoor terrace with a nice view. Ta. The stone walls were made of tufa , a type of limestone, and were decorated with elaborate mesh patterns.

The villa was located on the edge of a promontory with almost 360 degree views over the Bay of Naples, overlooking the islands of Ischia and Procida , as well as Mount Vesuvius, some 30 km across the Bay of Naples. At the time of writing, part of the villa was submerged in water due to land subsidence due to volcanic activity, and the villa's small stone dock reportedly extends to a depth of about 4 meters.

The villa is located in the harbor of Misenum , once the largest military port for the ancient Roman navy. Simona Formola, an archaeologist with Italy's Ministry of Culture, said in an interview with CNN: ``This magnificent villa would have had a 360-degree view of the Bay of Naples for military and strategic reasons. We believe that rooms and frescoes may be discovered.'

by Comune Di Bacoli

It is not known for certain who lived in the villa, but it matches the description of the villa of Pliny the Elder, who wrote the Natural History, so it is possible that this was the villa where Pliny the Elder lived. It has been pointed out that.

Pliny the Elder was a military man who served as governor of the Roman Empire, and is said to have witnessed the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which destroyed the city of

Pompeii , in 79 AD while serving as commander-in-chief of the Roman Western Fleet at Misenum. Masu. To save people from this eruption, Pliny the Elder crossed the Bay of Naples and landed in the city of Stabiae near Pompeii, but was killed there by smoke or volcanic gases.

It is said that Pliny the Elder may have witnessed the eruption of Mount Vesuvius from this villa and embarked on the voyage that led to his own death. It is believed that the villa not only functioned as a watchtower, but also hosted parties for ancient Roman dignitaries in its courtyard.

by Comune Di Bacoli

Archaeologists were surprised by this discovery, but locals have been saying that ``treasure is buried underground'' for a long time. In fact, there are large brick ruins on the beach next to the villa where the villa was discovered, which is said to be evidence that a large residence once existed.

The excavation was carried out in conjunction with the construction of a recreational facility for children, and the site of the newly discovered villa will be turned into an open-air museum, which is expected to open in the coming weeks. Josi Gerardo della Ragione of Bacoli said: 'The ruins of the Roman villa will be cleaned and sealed off with a wooden fence. The villa will become the core of this beautiful space... citizens and tourists will praise it. I guess,' he commented.

by Comune Di Bacoli

in Science, Posted by log1h_ik