Gmail supports 'AMP for Email' that enables dynamic and interactive email

Take action and stay up-to-date with dynamic email in Gmail
AMP is an open source framework that accelerates the display of web pages for mobile by combining multiple optimization processes. The project team, which has gradually expanded the functions of AMP, introduced in 2018 a framework 'AMP for Email' that applies AMP to an e-mail service and modernizes e-mail as an interactive dynamic message.
Google's Web acceleration framework AMP supports e-mail, will be introduced to Gmail in late 2018-GIGAZINE

Over the past decade or so, the world's web experience has changed dramatically, and web content has evolved from static content to dynamic content that can be interactively manipulated. On the other hand, E-mail remains in the role of 'a stepping stone to perform more specific tasks,' said Gmail product manager Aakash Sahney.
Many emails have a link to the website in the body, and eventually the user clicks on the link in the email and performs the necessary actions on the website. Therefore, by applying AMP to e-mail to evolve into dynamic content, it is possible to realize improvement of user experience.
By using AMP for Email, you can fill out the attendance management board, answer surveys, browse catalogs, reply to comments, etc. via email. The information displayed on the e-mail is also updated to the latest, and it is possible to prevent the sad situation that 'the product that was available for reservation by e-mail was sold out at the linked mail order page'. . AMP for Email also includes Gmail, Yahoo !,, Mail.Ru and other major email providers.
Hotel booking services such as, OYO Rooms, Doodle, and Pinterest, as well as schedule adjustment services, and SNS have announced support for AMP for Email. If you click on the image below, you can check the dynamic mail sent from OYO Rooms in gif with GIF movie (about 13MB). You can browse recommended hotels and see more information on Gmail without opening a website.
Google has previously published AMP for Email for developers, but since March 26, 2019, AMP for Email has been published for the general public. As some web services already support AMP for Email, Sahney says it will see dynamic email on Gmail in the coming weeks. At the time of writing, the mobile version of Gmail doesn't support AMP for Email, but the mobile version will support it in the future.
If you want to send dynamic emails using AMP for Email, you need to apply for Google and register . Also, users of G Suite , an application package provided by Google, will be able to activate AMP for Email throughout the organization from the admin console within a few days. Note that if you open Gmail using an email application that has not participated in AMP for Email, AMP for Email will not be enabled, and static emails will still be displayed as before.
In addition, while AMP for Email is considered to evolve email, 'the point that a static message is recorded is also an advantage of email, and by supporting AMP for Email, the merit of email is It is also pointed out that it will be erased.
It is pointed out that 'AMP correspondence of mail' is a bad idea which erases the merit of mail-GIGAZINE

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