Pink and bright tartar sauce has eaten impact large 'pink tartar fish burger' at Domdom burger

Domdom Burger offers a new arrangement of Fish Burgers every season. As the fourth bullet, ' Pinktaltal fish burger ' appeared from March 21, 2019 (Thu). As the tartar sauce has a taste of pepper and a pink color, it looks different from traditional fishburgers, so I went to eat what it tasted like.
March 21 'Pink Tartar Fish Burger' will be released! ! | Domdom Hamburger [official site]
Arrive at Domdom Burger

The panel of 'pink tartar fish burger' which used the pink background was very conspicuous.

The burger came to hand in less than 5 minutes after ordering.

When opening the package, a large amount of chopped cabbage is firstly welcomed. There is too much cabbage and I can not see the tartar sauce, but at this point the flavor is faint and makes me feel that it is not an ordinary hamburger.

Looking at the other side of the book, 'What, what is the source?' The bright pink sauce looked out of the gap between the buns.
When I lifted the upper band on what it was supposed to be, the sauce was painted over the white fish fly. This pink tartar sauce is flavored with pickles and pickled onions and onions.

When I try to eat it, although it has a slight texture that is like a pickled salmon, there is also a crispy texture of fried white fish with crispy hok hok hok and chopped cabbage, so it feels like 'I'm scratching the pickles'. Hmm. In addition, the smell is felt, but as a taste, the shiso is considerably suppressed, and the impression of 'a fish burger with a slightly different kind of tartar sauce' to the end. The look was pretty weird, but the taste was pretty orthodox.

The price of the 'Pink Taltar Fish Burger' is 390 yen including tax. Please be careful when going out to eat, as some franchise stores do not deal with some of Domdom Burger's stores.
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in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt