It turns out that a North Korean front company was promoting military equipment on Twitter, YouTube, etc.

by Gilad Rom
The UN Security Council has adopted ten sanctions resolutions since October 2006 in order for North Korea to continue nuclear testing and missile development, and severe economic sanctions have been imposed. However, it turned out that the military equipment maker " Glocom ", which is essentially a front company of the North Korean government, was promoting on social media such as Twitter and YouTube, just like the sanctions.
North Korea Advertises Military Hardware on Twitter, YouTube, Defying Sanctions-Motherboard
Behind the UN Security Council and US-led sanctions, North Korea is trying to earn foreign currency in various ways. Glocom in question is supposed to be a “Malaysian company,” but the fact is that it is a company operated by a North Korean intelligence agency , according to a report submitted to the UN Security Council . Glocom handles radar systems, communications software, military radios and more.

Glocom, which has had its YouTube channel removed in 2017, created a new channel and used it to advertise its products along with other platforms such as Twitter.
When the news site Motherboard asks about this, YouTube has removed the Glocom YouTube channel again. At the time of writing, the channel is displayed as "This account has been suspended due to a legal complaint."

In response to a similar inquiry, Twitter has also frozen the Glocom account. Facebook account still remains, but for some reason the account name is "Glocom Suzuki".

According to Mr. Shia Cotton, who is a researcher at the James Martin Nuclear Nonproliferation Research Center and is particularly familiar with the North Korean issue, North Korean front companies will collapse their company when they see their identity or move to another country and move to a new name That it is something to resume at. Like Glocom, it is quite rare to see cases where you are already pointed out to be a front-end company and continue business without changing its name.
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in Security, Posted by darkhorse_log