Will Intel and Microsoft secretly release some of the software distribution restrictions to Russia?

In the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, American and European companies have withdrawn from Russia and have stopped providing technology to Russia. However, it is reported that Intel and Microsoft have lifted restrictions on some software updates to Russia.
Intel тайком вернулась в Россию - CNews
Intel Quietly Resumes Russia Support, Unblocks Software Downloads (Updated with Microsoft Comment) | Tom's Hardware
Russians say they can download software from Intel again • The Register
Since Russia's military invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the United States has imposed export controls to block the supply of semiconductors to Russia, and semiconductor manufacturers such as Intel and AMD have stopped selling semiconductors to Russia. .
Intel and AMD stop selling semiconductors to Russia, TSMC may also participate in sanctions and affect Russian domestic chips - GIGAZINE

An Intel spokesperson told Tom's Hardware, a hardware-related news site, ``In February and March 2022, Intel stopped all shipments to customers in Russia and Belarus. In May, we announced that we would cease operations in Russia, and Intel will continue to comply with all applicable export controls and sanctions in the countries in which we operate.'
However, an Intel spokesperson said at the same time, ``Access to resources that meet your driver update needs, the Intel Download Center, and the Intel Download Support Assistant are part of Intel's warranty obligations.''
According to Russian news media CNews, it seems that Intel's driver distribution page could not be accessed from Russia after the invasion of Ukraine, but as of January 11, 2023, ``Distribution page from search results such as Yandex and Google It was said that the driver distribution page could be accessed only when directly accessing '.
However, downloading the driver itself requires logging in to Intel's website or registering an account, and it seems that this work cannot be done from a Russian IP address. To download Intel drivers in Russia, you must have been logged into the Intel portal since the invasion of Ukraine.
Microsoft will also stop providing services and products in March 2022, ban Windows downloads from within Russia in June 2022, and ban access to updates in September 2022. bottom. However, according to CNews, the ban on access to the update program will be lifted at the end of 2022.

As of January 11, 2023, it seems that it was possible to access at least Windows 11 updates from within Russia. However, Windows itself cannot be downloaded, and even if the download button is displayed, an error message will be displayed when clicking it. Microsoft told The Register, an IT-related news site, ``We comply with the economic sanctions of the EU, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and have stopped selling all new products and services in Russia.'' increase.
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in Software, Posted by log1i_yk