Public information image of 'Mewtwo's counterattack EVOLUTION' remake of the first Pokemon movie with full 3DCG released

Movie " Mewtwo's counterattack EVOLUTION " remake of 3D movie " Pocket Monsters Mewtwo's Theater Movie Version ", which is the first movie version of Pocket Monsters of the TV anime version released in 1998, was released on Friday, July 12, 2019 It will be published to. Masato Ichimura who played the role of Mewtwo in the "counterattack of Mewtwo" more than 20 years ago was announced that he continues to play Mewtwo in remake version, and at the same time new publicity video is released.

【Official】 "Mewtwo's counterattack EVOLUTION" Special News 2 - YouTube

"Only God and human beings can create different lives in this world"

An ancient building carved like a legendary Pokemon Mew

The door opens ......

A capsule containing something started. A mysterious voice echoing "Who am I, where am I here?" ...

Come in the capsule


The appearance of Lizardon will be shown.

"Ask all life"

"Who wished for me to make it"

"The highest peak as the origin"

Mewtow descending from the sky

Rizzoudon spit a flame

And Mr. Joey with familiar members & Pokemon of Satoshi · Kasumi · Takeshi.

"This is a counterattack to you"

"Mewtwo's counterattack EVOLUTION"

Finally the beautiful lake surface looks like Miu Pokemon flies and the special report image is over.

The synopsis of the story which has already been clarified is as follows.

"I feel strongly hoping to see you, with a pure heart"
Pokemon Miu of the vision of appearing only before the adventurer who has the two.
As Pokemon researchers all over the world are said to be "beginnings" of all Pokemon,
Finally one scientist discovered the fossil of Miu,
Based on that, I will dedicate hands to forbidding acts without fear of God.

"Where is here ... Who am I ...?"

With human ego that wants to make the strongest Pokemon,
The legendary Pokemon created in this world. That name is also Mewtwo.
Mewtwo which repeats the experiment as the strongest weapon without knowing the reason for existence,
In that mind, I honor the hatred of people who have created me.

"This is a counterattack to the human race that produced me!"

"Mewtwo's counterattack EVOLUTION" is released on Friday, July 12, 2019. It is clear that Mewtwo will appear in the live-action movie "Detective Pikachu", so 2019 seems to be exactly what Mewtwar Year is supposed to be.

Mewtwo also finally appeared at the latest trailer of live-action movie "Detective Pikachu" - GIGAZINE

in Video,   Movie,   Anime,   Game, Posted by logu_ii