Cast announcement of movie "REDLINE", Takuya Kimura, Aoi Aid, Tadanobu Asano, Takeshi Aono, Takeshi Ishizuka Luxury actor & voice actor gathered

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At Tokyo International Anime Fair 2010Characters and figures of that machine were exhibitedmovies"REDLINE"Will be released in October.

Today, Voicecast which breathes souls to that character became all the announcement. It is Kimura Takuya who plays the hero JP, Sonoche's role as JP's first love partner, Aoi, a sorrowful man with a childhood friend of JP There is a luxurious cast of Asano Tadanobu, and actor · voice actor as the role of Frisbee drifting.

Details are as below.
(PDF file)"REDLINE" super luxury voice cast finally announced!

Super luxurious voice cast finally announced! It is! | Movie "REDLINE" Official Blog

"REDLINE" is a work that depicts the appearance of the protagonist JP and individual rich rivals who challenge the race "REDLINE" that bet the fastest space in the universe, "PARTY 7"The taste of tea"Katsuhito Ishii is in charge of the original and screenwriter, and Ken Koike who is highly evaluated as" Creator who creates the most stimulating image "is the director. Animation production is currently being screened "TRIGUN Badlands RumbleAnd "currently broadcasting"Tatami halo mythology"EtcMadhouse. The production period of this work is seven years, the number of drawing is as large as 100,000 sheets, and we are proudly advocating the "ultimate animation movie" daringly dedicated to hand drawing.

As cast, Kimura Takuya in the hero JP, Aoi Yu to the heroine · Sonoshi, As Fujibun as JP close friend Tatsunobu Asano, Tatsuya Jitsuin, Yoshinori Okada, Kanji Okada, Yoshiyuki Tsuda, Nobuyuki Morishita, Akemi, Takeo Aono, Hirota Hirota Raw, Shizuzo Ishizuka, Kenta Miyake, Koji Ishii, Cho and Kenio Horiuchi are celebrated. It was exhibited at the Tokyo International Anime FairIndividual rivalsIt is considered to play.

One scene in production.

On the official website, you can see the specials video so please check out the hand-drawn animation for the release in October.

Movie "REDLINE" Official Site October National Road Show

in Movie,   Anime, Posted by logc_nt