Headline news on March 1, 2019

Construction of home 10 building of Kitayase station of Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line and opening and closing of entrance of Suzumuma Park side are completed, and it will start business from Saturday, March 16, 2019.
March 16, 2019 (Saturday) Chiyoda Line Kitayaseba Station Home 10 amusement new entrance opened
North Ayase Station is a station adjacent to Ayase Vehicle Station and opened in 1979. Since only the operation of the section with Ayase station next door was performed for a long time, the home had only three-car train lines, but as the passenger increase correspondence and convenience improvement accompanying the development of the railway line are carried out direct to the direction of Yoyogi Uehara, Work has been carried out to make 10 home correspondence correspondence.
In accordance with the extension of this home, an entrance and exit will also be made on the side of "Sho - bun swamp park" on the north side of the station.

By the way, I posted such an article on the same day of the same month in the past.
African hot-blood teacher who reproduces Windows by hand drawing on a blackboard and teaches computers without a computer - GIGAZINE
In the eyes of the insects the flowers are seen in such a different world - GIGAZINE
Crow turned out to select only the safe part of poison frog and eat well - GIGAZINE
A fierce man who made a dedicated cat monitoring device with face recognition technology that loves a cat appeared - GIGAZINE
What is the change of the Earth seen from the huge depression "entrance to the basement" that opened the mouth open in the permafrost area of Siberia? - GIGAZINE
The illusion image in which the strawberry appears to be red though it is gray is on the topic of boiling - GIGAZINE
Application summary that understands how amazing is the Augmented reality headset "Microsoft HoloLens" in one shot - GIGAZINE
Visualize what you learned by analyzing about 2.2 million chess game records - GIGAZINE
◆ Story (memo · various others)
An appendix to the monthly magazine "kindergarten" at Shogakukan is too surreal ...? pic.twitter.com/goKjVyt80v
- Rina Kawai (@ nano_723) February 28, 2019
Kindergarten April issue is a double wear. "Bobbin Ramen" collaborated with Kotakuen, "Doraemon parachute" collaborated with the movie Doraemon. If you are interested in how Ramen is sick, please purchase it. It is on sale today. pic.twitter.com/2PBhPrgwax
- Shogakkan "Kindergarten" Editorial Department (@ youchien_hensyu) February 27, 2019
A guy who is doing exactly the same as the sign of a toy is grass pic.twitter.com/FykYodWoj0
- Hikaru (@ hika_eki) February 28, 2019
And you too much feeling geothermal every day and getting yellow and getting yellowish www pic.twitter.com/KZ8zDRQhBB
- Hikaru (@ hika_eki) February 28, 2019
From "Sho me Saitama", Saitama prefecture people are gaining images gathering in Ikebukuro, but it is not so.
- Doi @ Hokka (@ tokyoloopline) February 28, 2019
So I tried summarizing the image of Saitama citizen's inter-regional movement!
I wanted to say, but it became a map that killed unnoticed by Saitama prefecture's masochistic habit. pic.twitter.com/GuSGV42vkh
Mother 'New shampoo super fluffy really good! It's gone now, so please buy a new one!'
- え (riko) (@ rikopiko_tw) February 27, 2019
I "I do not remember buying a shampoo recently?"
Mother "A picture of a cat in a bathroom from last week"
I "For that cat"
Mother "??"
I "For that cat."
__ people, people ___ _
] Neighborhood [
__Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y __ pic.twitter.com/vHREn 5 BSN 1
← Imagine the graduation research presentation session Actual graduate training presentation → pic.twitter.com/h42ntJsTd 8
- Zong with SC (@ mirokuash) February 28, 2019
Paris police seized from riots pic.twitter.com/4zlQRE4he6
- Keiro Kamioka (@ Might_Overwhelm) February 28, 2019
I am selling around 4000 yen. > French bread pic.twitter.com/WgwWAnKlZi
- act (@ zaylog) March 1, 2019
There was something stupid if I took the scenery but www # unidentified living thing pic.twitter.com/HMbefELrSq
- 【o】 (@ CaoMoji 416) February 28, 2019
I only have one lettuce, the guilt feeling when eating fried chicken will be diminished Hey ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ぇ ぇ ぇ え え えYeah yeah picture ~~~~~! ! ! ! What? What? What? What? ! ! ! ! ! What? What? What? What? ! ! What? What? What? ! ! ! What? What? What? ! ! What? What? What? What? What? What? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! What? What? What? ! ! What? What? What? ! What? What? What? ! ! ! ! What? ! What? What? pic.twitter.com/8 Btsk NrB 76
- Yabu (@ yabu 777) February 27, 2019
◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Very toxic anti can not win against wasabi Ali researchers validate effect: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Dog beating countermeasures without killing, dramatic effects, assignments | National Geographic Japan version site
No "sleeping" effect on the weekend? Rice research team experiments | NHK News
In addition, those who do "sleeping" have a lot of time waking up during the day, so that the snacking increases, the maximum weight gain increases by 1.3 kilos, the risk of diabetes also increases, and there is a negative effect I point out.
◆ Society · Politics · Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Communist Party Shigeyu claims to abolish the era code "Do not fit national sovereignty" | Kyodo News
Nominee candidate plan already narrowed down to more than ten number | NHK News
Forcible repatriation of Iranian nationality juvenile who was born and raised in Japan "Invalid" not approved Tokyo district court - Mainichi Newspaper
Seven president said "I do not want to stop 24-hour sales": Nikkei Business Electronic Edition
Saba cans Chiku Udon ice cream ... food price hike from today ___ ___ 0
Publication status Chronicle 130 (February 1, 2019 - February 28) - Publication · reading memorandum
Estimated selling price of book journal in January 19, 2007 was 87.1 billion yen, down 6.3% from the previous year.
Books were 49.2 billion yen, down 4.8% from the same period.
Magazines fell by 8.2%, to 37.8 billion yen. Its monthly magazine was 29.7 billion yen, down 7.6%, weekly magazine 8.1 billion yen, down 10.2%.
As in the reaction of 1.8% increase in December 18, which is the first positive in 2 years and 1 month, January 2007 reverts to a year-to-year negative figure of 6.9% in 17 years, 5.7% in 18 years It has become a start.
The return rate is 35.6% for books and 47.4% for magazines, monthly magazines 49.3%, weekly magazines 39.3%.
The return rate of the magazine is second only to 48.6% in May 18th, and the monthly magazine would have exceeded 50% if there was no comic sales amount 7% increase.
Moreover, when we go back to the weekly magazine's depression, it is certain that the decline of magazines will continue for 19 years and it will be expected that they will attend a sharp decline in the bookstore market, which has never been before.
That way, 19 years have begun.
National burden ratio New year 42.8% Continues high level for more than 40% for six consecutive years | NHK News
The teacher assaulted by the students appeals the school side Compensating for Shijyozaki City etc. - Mainichi Newspapers
Korea · Ministry of literature's estimate of missing US-North Korea agreement, China is supposed [North Korea summit talks]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
A victim of a hoax, filed a lawsuit against eight people written Akari Tomei Accident: Asahi Shimbun Digital
"Next I will face Mr. Kim," Abe said. Kyodo News
Make a scene of Mr. Masayuki, fighting all night All that reporters bombs [North Korea summit talks]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Leo Palace Review Refurbishing Construction Avoided due to Inadequate External Walls | Kyodo News
Business featured maker abandoned! British fear | NHK News
US high official "North Korea demands all sanctions exempt from weapons" | NHK News
Publication of memos of proposal of the era other than "Heisei" "Shuwen, Munde, Yasutaka" etc. | NHK News
Kim Masao son relief group announced the establishment of "extraordinary government" announced the oppression of the Righteous administration North Korea - Sankei News
"Kim chairman loses motivation" North Korea's full press conference | NHK News
Looking at the reaction of the United States that it is difficult to cancel partial sanctions despite the proposal to abandon the entire nuclear facility of Nyonbyeon that was not in the past, comrades of the State Secretary will be motivated to negotiate future morning and rice I felt that I might be lost.
Intention to release Indian troops pilot detained by Prime Minister of Pakistan | NHK News
A mistake in the Kansai University entrance examination "There was a subway in Hiroshima" | Kyodo News
Difficulty of very strong dose decommissioning furnace at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant No. 2 debris | NHK News
"Underwear rather than trousers" flickering, criticizing SDF solicitation posters: Kyoto Shimbun
FSA: Three mega silver and Agricultural and Forestry funds simultaneously investigated, CLO investment - stakeholder - Bloomberg
Falsehood monologue! A man arrested by an obscenity to a small six girls tells the truth and detention 56 days | Weekly female PRIME [Shujo prime] | YOU's heart is stimulating
Criticism of the Seven headquarters from the Kansai business circle "With yourself if you are": Asahi Shimbun Digital
The matter that the Agency for Cultural Affairs is using too much data to promote illegalization of still images DL (too, it is not easy to see how it goes) - Togetter
◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
The ordinary book has grown apart.
- Ikimoto Doll House 3/10 5C - 03,04 Doll Show (@mame_lili_lily) February 27, 2019
The video here is foil-stamped on synthetic leather and it will be used for the kit. Although the finished product is real leather, if it is such leather with synthetic leather, it does not need genuine leather, etc
I will bring it to Fukuoka and the doll show next week
I wish I can also mail order at the same time pic.twitter.com/P0e0TYQhUZ
Expanding "# KuToo" pumps reverse signature, more than 10,000 - Mainichi Newspaper
If you think "It's enough", go to Hidaka store and ask for a double dumplings set meal. I will make you laugh. - Togetter
Conversation of a man whose level is only 10% in this world pic.twitter.com/gCmEy7IszJ
- cha Tan (@ Barbie_95s) February 28, 2019
When I looked up at the stairwell, there was something pic.twitter.com/Qv6rSaUVz2
- Karin March booth (@ siroyukikarin) February 28, 2019
Everyday I pray that "let the police take charge of prosecution and prosecute." https://t.co/dH9aqFwQT4
- KEISUI ART STUDIO (@ keisuiart) February 28, 2019
"Pretending to know" at the educational site "Hiding what I do not know" Is this reason why children continue to do so? "Really serious" - Togetter
Sayonara Donan Journey 's Friend Troubled · Onuma Dango JR In - Car Sales LASTRAN: Hashimoto Electronic Version (Hokkaido Shimbun)
◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Suppose you buy a Mac of 200,000 yen, for example. And I will use that Mac for five years. That would be 40,000 yen per year. Approximately 110 yen per day, about 4.6 yen per hour, 0.001 yen per second. Because this is almost zero yen, Macs are available for free. (confusion)
- Benzoic acid scarcity (@ irkeneta) February 28, 2019
Backflipping MIT Mini Cheetah pic.twitter.com/tN3QNdHdTS
- HCI Research (@ HCI_Research) February 28, 2019
I really want to tell you all the dots in this world but I like to tell you the paintings dedicated to forbidden dots that captivate all humans in the shop called Tokyo Pixel in Kuramae.
- Nicoide Range (@ R_ Nikaido) February 28, 2019
Although I looked somewhat like this, I was in trouble because it was only subtle, but this is a cheap and definitive guy, although color development is good and big. pic.twitter.com/IRlvcnlchl
Engineers should study English, if you can not speak English, the variable name gets messed up "kishName" - Togetter
New function · How to use abnormality detection in roll - Mackerel Blog #mackerelio
I want to use Japanese day in PHP - Qiita
Efforts to promote the entry to overseas conferences - Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog
Cooperative operation of medical big data with AWS and on-board core system / JAWS DAYS 2019 JMDC Healthcare Data - Speaker Deck
Relationship between product management and UX design I think / Takesetsu | note
Clearance of 4.8 million clear plaintext passwords on home flights, can not resume service even after a month | Nikkei xTECH (CrossTech)
Dummy images, development may progress (interesting), text summary - Qiita
Google researchers said that it is difficult to fix Specter vulnerability |
"Windows" standard font "now" <ALBA LUNA
HTTP cache Osakai - LCL Engineers' Blog
Create a proof of concept using Amazon Aurora | Amazon Web Services blog
Red Hat Supports End-to-End Cloud Compliant Mobile Network of Rakuten Mobile Network with Open Source Technology
Rakuten Mobile Network enters the Japanese mobile market, which consists mainly of three major players, not only prepares for the coming 5 G, but also speeds the provision of mobile services to end users using software innovation I wanted to upload it. Therefore, I wanted to build a flexible and extensible cloud native communication network infrastructure that can meet the needs of end users while keeping operating costs low.
Through collaboration with Red Hat, Rakuten Mobile Network has established NFV cloud that virtualized network function. The network function is executed not in dedicated hardware or dedicated software but in a virtual environment on a general purpose server.
Squish is illegalized, concern also from the Liberal Democratic Party "Limited range": Asahi Shimbun Digital
A story about a former professional gamer releasing 8 applications in 2 years after becoming a programmer from knowledge 0 - Qiita
◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
【Ban on Banned License】
- Galactic Heroes Legend DieNeueThese (@ gineidenanime) February 28, 2019
The special report of "Galaxy Hero Legend Die NeueThese Stars" is finally lifted!
The turbulent second season where people's thoughts intersect can now begin the curtain! # Neuye Silver Pennsylvania pic.twitter.com/n7wkZ5O7zK
"Galaxy Hero Legend Die Neue These" Special News - YouTube
You know in 10 minutes! TV Anime "Wind Strongly Blows In" Digest PV - YouTube
What is common to 80% of "one who likes" pic.twitter.com/JWTLwxCyiY
- CuRAZY site (@ Cu RAZYsa) February 28, 2019
How to make life taught by friends of China easy to live pic.twitter.com/QtHHXtdS7w
- Yoshino Hosako @ Eating Taiwan (@ yoneharausako) February 28, 2019
- Hayame (@ hayame_i 7) February 28, 2019
In this way,
Well then! ! ! !
It's awesome! ! ! ! pic.twitter.com/CwyHszh70d
I'm looking at my friends who have changed pic.twitter.com/mDo7CGReRd
- Kentaro TAO (@ taoizm) February 28, 2019
Pokemon New Series, Which do you choose? What? What? pic.twitter.com/csdnnfolt8
- Ishida Mitsunari (@ zibumitunari) February 28, 2019
It was very difficult to figure out how to arrange floating accessories. Because I wanted to avoid as much as possible that sticks extended from the pedestal and accessories attached. pic.twitter.com/ZExpElUSFK
- Yusuke Makizaki (@ masaki 56) February 28, 2019
It is something I remembered. At that time, are adults ...? I thought. Even now I can remember that it is less than 5 minutes if I translate into such a time I wish I could be proud as much as possible, or a diary of. pic.twitter.com/4 x 5 p 2 M 83 mb
- Seajima Senbon (@ Kaisen_Tobiuo) February 28, 2019
When a geek geek made his high school debut, he talked about a boy who met Sokkri 's boy. pic.twitter.com/vKL3qFMR0j
- Kato Mayumi @ "Skinny and Fattychon" (@ katomayumi) February 28, 2019
You call me a mother? Problem pic.twitter.com/HFMx9Mmbh7
- Dogei Aoi @ Our toy poo on sale (@ michiyukiaporo) February 28, 2019
【Pakistan's low rated game】
- Comrariant agent Komi / Akano Craft (@ KgPravda) March 1, 2019
A board game "Arranged" made by a female creators from Pakistan. In Pakistan where matching marriage is a natural system, by continuing the irresponsible attitude of the village 's yakitori okura, it is a rule of victory if it gets out of the candidate marriage candidate list and finishes without marrying somehow. pic.twitter.com/AzbhoMuPt 2
I found a video that pulled a real locomotive with a large railroad model on Youtube. I do not know what he is saying because it is in German but https://t.co/hDwVLN7gZh pic.twitter.com/puQSLHm5fD
- Kazushima (@ kazushimo_ 112) February 28, 2019
Is there anything more vulgar than listening? pic.twitter.com/HjZUEUA7gb
- Tea Mountain (@ MtTea 0725) February 28, 2019
Predictive skill Manga / Kuyuto Chiyo, its 18. pic.twitter.com/8DCdWjFcaJ
- Seiichi Seiichi (@ shiqui 7) February 28, 2019
"Fort Knight" Season 8 - Cinematic Trailer - YouTube
"Fort Knight" Season 8 - Battle Path Overview - YouTube
【Queen's Blade WHITETRIANGLE】 2nd PV - YouTube
PlayStation (R) 4 / Nintendo Switch (TM) "Super Robot Battle T" episode 1 "Project TND Startup" Playing Videos - YouTube
Devil May Cry 5 - Final Trailer (Japanese Voice Ver.) - YouTube
[New] League of Wonderland Early Promotion Movie - YouTube
"Toei manga festival" book notice - YouTube
I painted it with bruises. pic.twitter.com/EY1j7yNdt7
- Ito Ino (@inoitoh) February 28, 2019
After all Arma physics calculation and wonderful pic.twitter.com/VWV3nfuoGg
- Kekeke (@ kepukeo) February 28, 2019
Board choco and sneaker pic.twitter.com/ug8r7Q5sye
- Anmi @ Newly consigned (@ A nmi _) February 28, 2019
Advertisement of advertisement pic.twitter.com/vhPJtZicvZ
- Incompatible person \ / (@ kinkinonaka) February 27, 2019
Snowstorm pic.twitter.com/qVob83S1Xn
- Nyakaki (@ niakaaki) February 27, 2019
The size does not fit soon so that the courier will arrive soon The embroidery of the name is on top of the chest Patzupatsu Girls who did not have clothes to wear only jerseys in junior high school days pic.twitter.com/iNrm5SEg2o
- Trustworth's graffiti place (@ shnjr 4545) February 28, 2019
Pokemon Card Game Expansion Pack I drew Nyasupa and Pelap of "Double Blaze". pic.twitter.com/JbsA9trf0C
- Hyeogonosuke (@ hyogonosuke) March 1, 2019
The monthly home animator profit is 160,920 yen.
- Takahiro Takano (@ 21 karaagebo) February 28, 2019
I worked 0 days and worked 8 hours a day.
Sleeping time is 8 hours on average.
Layout 36 cut original picture 23 cut
Although it is good to draw without holidays, I want to diverge soon, so I will exercise next month to make a break even if my profit falls.
It is March now pic.twitter.com/RgeuoBFv 5Q
- Project.CK (@pck_ken_zaki) February 28, 2019
Only eyes are written too uselessly and there is only a sense of incompatibility, so pic.twitter.com/BKEtFdOdbN
- Terada Taura VV collaboration second release on sale (@ trcoot) February 28, 2019
# People who saw this stick photos that look like hangar
- Kato Oswald (@ ozoztv) February 28, 2019
Not a picture, though. pic.twitter.com/Qcahy6GuNk
I tried to make # free icon of ore muscle and ore okojo! :)
- watari (@ _ hoshikui _) February 28, 2019
If it is ok…!
Reporting etc are not particularly necessary.
(Please refrain from processing, reprinting, commercial use etc.) pic.twitter.com/lsAAKsXIBd
(Cry) pic.twitter.com/Blmlku1crr
- Ogi pote (@ ogipote) February 28, 2019
# People who saw this stick a black image pic.twitter.com/Xjha0BCeN6
- Miritaka @ Miao shogun series (@ marutar) February 28, 2019
【Hilarious! 】
- Small rain soy beans will be released in a volume of 1 volume! (@ kosamedaizu) February 28, 2019
I am tweeting on returning final return!
The content is completely unrelated! !
I have finished ah declaration! ! pic.twitter.com/RJJl6LFjon
Comet kick pic.twitter.com/QtkdD3A79n
- Subspace kneeling dimension girl (@ demegir) February 28, 2019
UK stage (maybe) Thank you for waiting eight years ... pic.twitter.com/ uPlmpY7cFg
- Ruu (@ O_ tizu) February 27, 2019
"Spring is coming soon" (2019 No.4) #illustration pic.twitter.com/q7DlmcGpCf
- Yunagi (@ unagi 189) February 27, 2019
I had no choice but to draw this ... pic.twitter.com/Yuk7MbQDng
- sakiyama (@ sakiyama 8 ma) February 28, 2019
"Spring's visit" pic.twitter.com/9 OnMGMLcep
- ciel (@ ciel 4072) February 28, 2019
"Footstep of cotton" ① # Family shape # Cat section pic.twitter.com/H3Bkfb68Qj
- Tenmokorin kimi lived in my heart S (@ tendon 0308) February 28, 2019
I will move in the bowl of miso soup pic.twitter.com/BHD5idKqUs
- Tenohira (@ tenoo 12) February 28, 2019
I drew Saber Horta! # FGO # FateGO pic.twitter.com/h5phN3DxkI
- Muyu @ Newly consigned (@ mashu _ 003) February 28, 2019
Soboro no Yano (2014) 1/2 pic.twitter.com/m1moUggcTc
- Takatsu Makoto @ 2 volumes on sale (@ sleepinwasher) February 28, 2019
# I want to be a girl like this ! Pic.twitter.com/4fRtdZfVbQ
- Shark fin (@ fuka_hire) February 28, 2019
As soon as a veteran who has drawn it in analog for a long time shifted to digital, attractiveness became thin and the picture might be cheap. I think that it is caused by "It is 100% aimed color" which is peculiar to Digi picture "as it is", "There is not mixed coloring or fading due to accident". So I'm using a way to forcibly create a coincidence pic.twitter.com / u2VjpL0nUg
- Yo Shimizu newly consigned (@ you629) February 28, 2019
Mickey 's face seems to change from spring, I showed my old Mickey and new Mickey to my friend, but it seemed not to come with a pin. It seems like I do not know Gunpla, which I am inking in, and not Gunpla .... Personally different. pic.twitter.com/d6cx0Y38ok
- Nopal (@nnopal_vamp) February 28, 2019
"Chico-chan will be scolded!" At the Japan Media Arts Festival Grand Prize | NHK News
Japan Shogi League · President Yasuko Sato interview "I want to cross even in the AI Heian period, my style" | Shogi to see, Read Shogi | Bunbun online
Everyone of minori, I appreciate you for a long time. It was a great wealth for me to have had the work of opening production at the time I quit the company, so I was able to do various visual trials that I can not do with the long film. Thank you for many nice content! https://t.co/3NwG3C1tXt
- Makoto Shinkai (@ shinkaimakoto) February 28, 2019
The friends of RINGO ISHIKAWA is a work of Russian people who love Kuni Okuno, but it is a Russian work but bastard BLUES + God parade March feel like 2D open world god gay 60 dads stand for WindowsPaint for those who can not draw pictures Carrage that I raised and studied from 1 and drawn by myself pic.twitter.com/fRwn19Uf9S
- Sound (@ononon) February 27, 2019
Legend of cartoon world "When Tezuka Osamu first met Katsuhiro Otomo" When you first met Otomo "you said" I can paint if you can paint "Multiple testimonies will support - Togetter
"Yamano Recommend" Background Making
◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movies (Entertainment)
Tom Cruise who laughs at his own kora image pic.twitter.com/oyCJTAYmHF
- James (James) (@ James 11873321) February 28, 2019
"Kansai Electric Security Groove" │ Kansai Electric Security Association 【Official】 - YouTube
Folk music × I made video with motion graphics pic.twitter.com/n0Q9dyo09z
- Jun (@sakana_tokyo) February 28, 2019
Nordic world championships shake trembling, nine players arrested by doping Photo 4 international news: AFPBB News
World conductor conductor Andre Previn died | NHK News
◆ New product (clothing, food, housing)
~ For daily health, deliciously and easy to supply protein! ~ In popular "in Bar Protein" series Appearance of carbohydrate "in Bar Protein Baked Bitter" March 19 (Tue) New release
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in Headline, Posted by logc_nt