Ascetic education does not reduce or even increase adolescent births

In the United States, a third of the population experiences sex before receiving sex education, and it is said that 'the United States has failed in sex education.' While some MPs have advocated an abstinence program for sexual health, a new meta-analysis shows that asceticism results in an increase rather than preventing early birth and infection.
Funding for Abstinence-Only Education and Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention: Does State Idealogy Affect Outcomes? | AJPH | Vol. 109 Issue 3
Meta-Analysis Over Almost 20 Years Has Declared Its Verdict on Abstinence-Only Sex Ed

In this meta-analysis, researchers compared the 'Federal government subsidies for sex education' and the 'birth rate per 1000 women between the ages of 15 and 19' between 1998 and 2016. As a result, it was shown that subsidies paid only for asceticism did not affect the birth rate of young people. On the contrary, comparing state-by-state data, it appears that in politically conservative areas, ascetic subsidies are associated with high birth rates for young people. Researchers cite, for example, the number of conservative states that received subsidies of $ 71 million (approximately ¥ 78 billion) in 2008 had 1080 births of young people.
It has always been argued that asceticism does not have a positive effect on reducing the birth rate of young people.
John Santelli, who did research on the effects of asceticism in 2017, said, “The asceticism is theoretically effective, but the intention of“ abolishing sexual activity ”in reality often fails.” “This program is desirable It does not prepare young people for no pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease. ' Asceticism-only sex education is like pouring oil on it, while education on “safe sex” can be “water hydrant”. Conservative states received $ 13 million (about 1.4 billion yen) as a pregnancy prevention subsidy in 2014, but even at this relatively small amount, 'safe sex' education reduces teen births It seems that the effect was seen.
by sasint
Also, there is no evidence (PDF file) that giving teens the unbelievable practical information of sexuality, contraception, abortion etc. will increase the frequency of sexual activity or lead to early sexual activity.
While many public health experts have quit sexist education only asceticism and are in favor of taking more practical measures such as contraception, the current situation is that American policy makers do not listen to this voice There is also. The Trump administration has increased the amount subsidized for ascetic education and cut the budget for pregnancy prevention programs for young people. It is pointed out that the impact of this policy can have harmful consequences on conservative states, if not all.
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