What is 'theanine' included in tea or green tea which is said to 'concentrate up'?

by Kira auf der Heide

Theanine is a kind of amino acid which is a component of the taste of tea, and it is also included in some mushrooms other than green tea and black tea. It has been done so far, what is "Teamine" which affects people's mood, sleep, emotion-related dopamine , serotonin , stress hormone cortisol , and affects people's mood and stress level Results of animal experiments and small scale studies are summarized.

L-theanine: Benefits, risks, sources, and dosage

As the effects and actions of theamine, what has been shown up to now is as follows.

1: Increase your concentration
(PDF file) Theanine is shown to boost concentration in several studies, including research in 2008 , (PDF file) research in 2010, research in 2012, and so on. The group that ingested 100 mg of theanine was less tolerant than the placebo group with tasks requiring focusing ability and was able to improve people's concentration ability in combination with caffeine as well.

2: Improve sleep quality <br> It is said that you can relax by ingesting theanine before going to bed , get easy to sleep, and get a deep sleep. In the study of 2018, subjects who had anxiety disorder and used antidepressants continued taking 450 to 900 mg of theanine for 8 weeks every day, they seemed to be more satisfied with the sleep state. However, cautions are necessary in that anxiety and insomnia itself are not solved.

by Dan Gold

3: Relax
Studies in 2007 have shown that theanine ingestion leads to a decrease in heart rate, and ingesting theanine contained in black tea or green tea will lead to relaxation.

4: Cognitive performance increases
In 2016 a number of studies published so far were reevaluated and it was concluded that theanine had a positive influence on mental and physical health. According to researchers, theanine has neuroprotective effect, it seems to improve brain function. Although it is a theanine that improves attention and response time even by itself, when it is combined with caffeine, it is said that improvement is further seen in multiple skills and cautiousness.

However, since the effect of improving cognitive function of theanine was not recognized in all studies conducted, it is necessary to conduct further high-quality research in order to clarify its effect.

5: Weight loss <br> Some diet studies have shown that weight loss by replacing snacks with low-calorie hot drinks such as green tea. Because there is a research result that the taste component suppresses the appetite of a person, the theanin which is a taste component may be useful for weight reduction.

by i yunmai

6: Boost the Immune System Multiple studies show that theanine can boost the immune system, and it is possible that it may be difficult to catch a cold or influenza by theanine ingestion.

7: Suppression of Blood Pressure Increase <br> Study in 2012 showed that theanine intake in physical and mental stress is suppressed blood pressure rise. In this study I found that the effect of theanine was greater than caffeine.

8: Help drugs for cancer treatment <br> Some animal experiments have suggested that theanamine may increase the effect of anticancer drug called doxorubicin . However, since animals and humans react differently in many ways, this data can not be applied to humans immediately. Also, many studies of Teamine are small ones with few samples, and scientists say that in order to understand the relationship of these scientific substances, a large scale high-quality further investigation is necessary.

by Greek ORIENTO

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified Teamine as "generally recognized as safe" and basically has no side effects and seems to be a problem with ingestion. However, if you are taking several medications, such as hypertension, ADHD remedies, supplements containing caffeine, it is necessary to consult a doctor, and it is said that you should not use it even during pregnancy / lactating women I will.

in Science,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log