When dieting, which is better, 'rapid weight loss' or 'gradual weight loss'?

When dieting, many people want to get results as soon as possible and lose weight. However, experts believe that if you're trying to avoid

a rebound and follow a healthy diet, you should lose weight slowly, not abruptly.

Is it true the faster you lose weight the quicker it comes back? Here's what we know about slow and fast weight loss
https://theconversation.com/is-it-true-the-faster-you-lose-weight-the-quicker-it-comes-back-heres-what-we-know-about-slow-and-fast- weight-loss-198301

According to multiple experts,

the definition of 'moderate weight loss' is 500g to 1kg weight loss per week. On the other hand, the definition of 'rapid weight loss' is weight loss of 1 kg or more per week for several weeks.

In one study , 15% of body weight was compared in 200 people between a 'rapid weight loss group in 12 weeks' and a 'gradual weight loss group in 36 weeks'.

The rapid weight loss group ate three times a day, mainly shakes, nutritional supplements, and soups. On the other hand, the gradual weight loss group was only instructed to eat 500 fewer calories than the recommended daily intake , and was allowed to eat and drink shakes and nutritional supplements once or twice a day.

About 81% of the rapid weight loss group and about 50% of the gradual weight loss group lost more than 12.5% of their body weight. In addition, subjects who successfully lost 12.5% or more of their weight were provided with a diet that maintained their weight for approximately 2.75 years.

Three years after the first experiment was conducted, when we checked the change in body weight, it became clear that approximately 76% of the groups that underwent rapid weight loss and gradual weight loss had returned to their pre-implementation weight. It turned out that the effect is difficult to sustain regardless of the weight loss method.

Also, when comparing the rapid weight loss group and the gradual weight loss group, there was no difference in the amount of muscle mass lost with body weight, while the gradual weight loss group lost a lot of weight. It became clear that they lost more fat mass than the group that went. Furthermore, rapid weight loss has been found to

approximately double the loss of bone density , and has been reported to increase the risk of osteoporosis .

Previous studies have reported that similar weight loss results occur when taking various approaches such as ``emphasizing a high-protein diet'', ``reducing carbohydrates'', and ``emphasizing a low-fat diet''. In addition, it has been shown that diet methods that restrict calories from meals, such as regular fasting, do not produce the expected effects.

When you lose weight at once, your resting

basal metabolic rate drops. A high basal metabolism is essential for weight loss, but it is said that once the basal metabolism is lowered, it will not recover to the original level even if the weight before the diet is restored. On the other hand, by gradually losing weight, it is possible to work on a diet while maintaining a resting basal metabolism.

In addition, dietary restrictions have side effects that lead to the risk of vitamin deficiency, weakened immune function, fatigue, and decreased bone density, and it has been pointed out that there is a possibility of malnutrition.

Many rapid weight loss methods limit or eliminate foods that are necessary for long-term health. Carbohydrates are often prohibited in rapid diets, but carbohydrates are an essential source of nutrition for the body and are said to help prevent illness. In addition, it has been pointed out that it is difficult to maintain body weight over the long term even if supplements are taken as a means of nutritional supplementation.

Mr. Nick Fuller of the University of Sydney says that a successful diet should include 'a diet program based on scientific evidence,' 'diet under the supervision of a qualified medical professional,' 'diet and exercise, Instead of making sudden changes to your lifestyle, such as sleep, make gradual changes and try to form healthy habits that will last a lifetime.”

in Science, Posted by log1r_ut