Adults tend to gain an average of 0.5 to 1 kg per year. What are the 7 steps to prevent 'gradual weight gain'?

Some people may have set a goal to live a healthy life this year, but when they stepped on the scale, they were shocked to find that they had gained more weight than they expected. Nick Fuller, clinical trial director at the Department of Endocrinology at
Most adults will gain half a kilo this year – and every year. Here's how to stop 'weight creep'

It is said that the average adult gains weight at an average of 0.5 to 1 kg per year . According to Fuller, adults tend to gain weight gradually as they get older, and while this may not seem like a sudden weight gain, it is certainly not something to be ignored when you consider a weight gain of 5 to 10 kg over 10 years, or 10 to 20 kg over 20 years. Also, if weight gain is gradual, it is difficult for the person to realize that they are overweight, and it may not be until they are in their late 30s to 50s that they are surprised and realize, 'Was I really this fat?'

As for why we gain weight as we age, Fuller points out that it's due to 'subtle, gradual lifestyle and biological changes' such as:
Decreasing activity levels : As we age, our working hours increase and we have more time for family commitments, which can lead to a more sedentary and sedentary lifestyle. This leads to fewer calories burned and more likely to make us gain weight.
・Deterioration of diet : When work and family life become busy, people have less time to avoid meals and tend to reach for fast food and pre-packaged foods. These processed foods are richer in sugar, salt, and fat than they appear, which can lead to weight gain. In addition, if you continue working and your economic situation improves, you may eat out more, which also leads to an increase in your total calorie intake.
Less sleep : Busy lifestyles and increased screen time can lead to less sleep, which Fuller says can disrupt the body's energy balance, making you feel hungrier and more likely to eat more.
Increased stress : Increased financial, relationship, and work-related stress can increase production of the stress
Slower metabolism : Generally, muscle mass gradually decreases and body fat begins to increase after the age of 40. Since muscle mass is related to the body's metabolic rate, a decrease in muscle mass also slows down metabolism, resulting in fewer calories burned.

Obesity is known to increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and various types of cancer (breast cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer, kidney cancer, gallbladder cancer, uterine cancer, pancreatic cancer, and liver cancer). In addition, a 2017
The body has a tendency to try to maintain its current weight, and the more weight you gain, the harder it becomes to lose weight, so it's actually less work to start dieting when you're gaining weight slowly and without even noticing. Fuller advises people to take the following 'seven practical steps' to prevent gradual weight gain:
◆1: Eat a larger breakfast and a smaller dinner
A low-calorie or too small breakfast can lead to increased hunger and sweet cravings throughout the day. Therefore, eating a larger breakfast and smaller meals at lunch and dinner will result in fewer total calories. Research has also shown that breakfast burns calories more efficiently than dinner, so eating a larger breakfast than dinner is beneficial for weight management.
◆2: Eat with chopsticks or a small spoon
While it's easy to eat big bites when you're pressed for time, Fuller recommends sitting down to eat dinner at a table and eating slowly using chopsticks or a small spoon and fork. This allows your stomach to send signals to your brain that you're full , giving your brain time to adjust.
3. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits
Including a variety of vegetables and fruits in your diet will help you feel fuller on fewer calories while providing fiber and other nutrients that are important for health. Your diet should also include sources of protein, whole grain carbohydrates, and healthy fats in addition to vegetables.

4. Eat natural foods
When meals become a chore, we tend to reach for fast food, pre-packaged foods, and sweets, but it's also important to eat natural foods like fresh vegetables, fruits, honey, and nuts. If you get used to these foods, your brain will have the same reward response as when you eat ultra-processed foods and fast foods, which will help you avoid excess calories, salt, sugar, and fat.
◆5: Choose to move your body more
Increasing physical activity is important to lose weight, but this does not necessarily have to be something special like running or strength training. For example, if you can choose between the elevator and the stairs when going from the first to the third floor of a building, choose the stairs whenever possible. Just trying to increase accidental exercise in your daily life can make a difference. Also, when doing activities or sports, it is better to do a variety of activities because repeating the same thing every day will make you bored.
6. Take care of your sleep
It is necessary to set a goal of getting at least seven hours of sleep every night and take measures such as not using smartphones or tablets for one to two hours before going to bed.
7. Weigh yourself regularly
The problem with gradual weight gain is that you don't realize you're gaining weight in the first place, so getting into the habit of weighing yourself every week will help you notice changes in your weight. Fuller advised, 'Weigh yourself on the same day, at the same time, in the same environment, using the best quality scales you can afford.'
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in Science, Posted by log1h_ik