Android development environment 'Android Studio 3.3' release, stability improvement is the main update

Google released a new version 3.3 of Android Studio, an integrated development environment for Android applications. In Android Studio 3.3 there is no big new feature addition, focusing on quality improvement.
Android Studio release notes | Android Developers
Android Developers Blog: Android Studio 3.3
The main improvements added are as follows.
◆ Navigation Editor
Navigation Editor is a visual editor for building XML resources using Jetpack navigation components. It has already been released for preview purposes, but it has been officially released with feedback improvement.

◆ IntelliJ Platform
"Android Studio 3.3 includes" Intellij 2018.2.2 ". This supports a new preview of the code editor, icons and MacBook Touch Bar, and version control is also enhanced.
◆ Kotlin
Android Studio 3.3 includes "Kotlin 1.3.11".
◆ Clang-Tidy
C ++ static code analysis tool "Clang-Tidy" now be supported.

There was no noticeable new function addition Android Studio 3.3 update, but more than 200 user reporting bugs have been repaired from the previous version, snapshot saving when quitting Android emulator is improved by 8 times etc. It seems that it is done.
What's new in Android Studio 3.3 - YouTube
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