IKEA's HomeKit compliant smart blinds that can be purchased from the 10,000 yen range appeared

IKEA will soon release smart blinds that can be purchased from just 10,000 yen units, corresponding to HomeKit , which is a smart home standard for enabling operation from Apple's iPhone or Mac.
Ikea's smart blinds system launching next month with HomeKit, prices start at ~ $ 110 - 9to5Mac
Dave Zatz of the blog " Zatz Not Funny! " On January 6, 2019, local time, was rumored to be entering the smart blind market in November 2018, but IKEA official We have found smart blind "KADRILJ" and "FYRTUR" on site. In addition, KADRILJ is translucent, FYRTUR is opaque blind.
The product page already exists on the online store, but it seems that the order will be available from February 2, 2019. It is said that it is already being sold at some stores in Europe.
KADRILJ Rollo - 100 x 195 cm - IKEA

FYRTUR Verdunklungsrollo - 60 x 195 cm - IKEA
It is noteworthy that this smart blind is compatible with Apple's HomeKit. By supporting HomeKit, it becomes possible to remotely control the smart blind from digital devices such as iPhone and Mac.
In addition, a movie showing easy usage is also released.
IKEA Smart Shades - YouTube
The battery of the smart blind can be charged by inserting the cable directly like this.

Unplug the cable ......

Set the battery.

If you close the pattern you will see a smart look that you do not know that the battery is stored.

The left is a remote control for smart blinds, it seems to work with button batteries. There is a small button in the red arrow part next to the place where the cover is removed and the battery is stored, and this is used to pair the smart blind with the remote control.

Attach the remote control to the blind and press and hold the button. The LED of the red frame lights, but keep pressing the button as it is.

After a few seconds, the LED goes out and pairing is complete.

Press the remote control ......

The blinds can be moved up and down remotely.

In addition, smart blinds can also raise and lower blinds at designated times every day using TRÅDFRI Troadfly gateway and IKEA TRÅDFRI application. Alternatively you can connect the TRÅDFRI Traffic Free Gateway and the IKEA TRÅDFRI application to Amazon's Alexa and Google Home so you can remotely control from other than Apple terminals.
The smart blinds have sizes from 60 × 195 cm to 140 × 195 cm, and the selling price is 99 euros (about 12,000 yen) to 155 euros (about 19,000 yen). 9to 5Mac says "It is very pleasing for IKEA to offer it at affordable prices for consumers" by being able to purchase relatively expensive smart home appliances with a price of only 10,000 yen.
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