Oracle founder Larry Ellison will be appointed as Tesla's director

by Oracle Corporate Communications

Tesla announced that he was the founder of Oracle and a chairman Larry Ellison as a new director. Earlon Mask is believed to be part of a plan to ease the concentration of authority that was settled with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Tesla Welcomes Larry Ellison and Kathleen Wilson-Thompson as New Independent Directors To Its Board | Tesla

Tesla announced that he has appointed Oracle founder Larry Ellison as new director and Mr. Catherine Wilson Thompson, a personnel manager of drugstore giant Walgreens Boots Alliance, as an outside director. According to Tesla, as a result of examining candidates with a wide range of skills from all over the world, it is said that two people have come up with bull's-eye arrows as a human resource to complement the current board of directors.

In the background of the objective of "to add new experience to Tesla", there is a settlement condition SEC presented that mask CEO has left the president position and two outside directors and one outside chairman are added.

Tesla's Eulon Mask is sued by the Securities and Exchange Commission due to fraud - GIGAZINE

Backed by Oracle's founder Ellison 's big name as an outside director, Mr. Ellison was known for supporting the vision of Tesla Founder' s mask CEO 's idea of fossil fuel society and in March 2018 I have purchased 3 million shares of Tesla and it seems to have the idea that is relatively close to Mask CEO. Mr. Ellison used to be an outside director of Steve Jobs who returned to electricity by Apple, and he seems to be said to be the best person to support mask CEO of charismatic as well as Mr. Jobs.

in Note,   Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log