Steam reviews the revenue sharing ratio with game developers and makes it a platform that developers can earn more

by Global Panorama

Steve, a game sales platform operated by Valve, announced that it will renew its distribution contract between the service and developer and change the revenue distribution that game developers can earn more than before.

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Valve's new Steam revenue agreement gives more money to game developers - The Verge

Steam said on the review of the distribution agreement that Steam will remain an attractive platform for such games because it is always clear that the success games and their gigantic audience will have a significant impact on the network, It is an important goal for all participants in the program. " In other words, because it is a more attractive platform for developers and publishers developing influential and popular games, we have reviewed revenue allocation.

The revenue allocation newly set by Steam is that revenue share rate will be changed when "revenue of game at Steam after October 1, 2018" reaches a certain amount or more. When the revenue of the game reaches more than 10 million dollars (about 1.1 billion yen), the revenue sharing rate after adjustment beyond 10 million dollars will be adjusted to 75% (developer) / 25% (Steam). Furthermore, when the revenue reaches 50 million dollars (about 5.7 billion yen), the revenue sharing ratio for the subsequent revenue will be 80% (developer) / 20% (Steam), so that game developers can earn more Become. Steam's "revenue" includes game fees for game packages, DLC, in-game sales, community market place. Steam hopes that "(This change in revenue distribution) will be a reward for the positive network effect created by the big title developer and will lead to a match between those titles, Steam and the interests of that community." I write it.


In addition, Steam has also changed the confidentiality efforts of sales data, and it is said that it will be possible to share game sales data as needed with partners. This is due to frequent inquiries from other developers, third parties, or partners who "want to talk publicly" about sales of games in Steam.

In addition, Steam also refers to the handling of user data in the EU General Data Protection Rule (GDPR) and states that it does not change the basic agreement on customer data between Steam and game makers. As before, Valve holds user data and partners will hold data from customers as well.

In addition, Steam is developing a basic safety guarantee accompanying VR and "tools and functions that can be used for self-marketing / promotion, improved data navigation, analysis of game activities and impressions in Steam" It also reveals that "We are continuing our efforts to improve and expand access to markets worldwide by adding new currency, server / bandwidth facility, payment method".

in Game, Posted by logu_ii