Apple's Tim Cook CEO talks about Google's $ 100 billion default iOS search engine contract

HBO's interview series Axios , an American cable TV network, interviewed Apple's Tim Cook, and that state is released in the movies. In the interview, Cook CEO himself talks about the privacy regulation in the technology industry and the search engine contract between Google and Apple .

Tim Cook talks search deals w / Google, privacy in tech, and his daily routine in HBO interview - 9to 5Mac

According to the interview, Cook CEO gets up a little before 4 o'clock every morning, reads comments from the user for an hour, then sweats one hour in the gym. It is said that these routines will help to protect yourself from stress.

Also, in response to the indication "Apple products are increasing the user's loneliness", CEO Cook took over functions of smartphones by using functions like "screen time" of iOS 12 It can be suppressed.

Cook also mentioned the necessity of privacy regulation in the technology industry. Cook said, "It is inevitable that there is some regulation," while clearly indicating his own position to favor the free market, saying that it is not a fan of regulation, he said that the free market is not working It is said that time will have to be accepted.

In addition, Cook CEO stated that high-tech companies must accept privacy regulations to a certain extent. This is not a matter of "privacy and benefit" or "privacy and innovation", and "Although your device contains phenomenal information about you, we hold it There is no need. "

One of the interesting scenes is that Google has signed a contract worth US $ 1 billion (about 110 billion yen) with Apple to keep it the default search engine on iOS "If it leads to Apple's privacy violation The question that "?" Was cast.

Clearly Apple made more than 110 billion yen by adopting Google search on iOS - GIGAZINE

Cook CEO took two points to this question and one said "Google's search engine is the best thing", purely that Google is superior to others as a search engine . In addition, "Another thing you can do is to see what we have done in the management of personal information, we think that we are using intriguing tracking prevention measures using private browse mode, and we He devised various ways to help users and is not perfect but has followed a long way for users. "It seems that Apple's way past Apple's infringement of privacy There is no indication that it shows.

A part of the interview is released at the time of article creation, and it can check the appearance from the following movie. A complete version of the interview will be released on YouTube in the future, and it also refers to the diversity of gender in Silicon Valley and the augmented reality (AR) etc.

Apple CEO Tim Cook says Silicon Valley "missed it" on gender - YouTube

in Mobile,   Video, Posted by logu_ii