Finally you can watch YouTube with Nintendo Switch

It was reported that the YouTube application icon was displayed on Nintendo America's official website and it was reported that the YouTube application will appear soon to Nintendo Switch, but since the local time from November 8, 2018 to the United States Distribution of YouTube application started at Nintendo eShop of Nintendo.
YouTube for Nintendo Switch - Nintendo Game Details

YouTube which is a classic staple of the classic video delivery service can also be used from the Nintendo Switch. The Nintendo Switch version of the YouTube application has been distributed on November 8, 2018, and you can install the application for free.
The home screen of the YouTube application looks something like this. Recommended movies are displayed, basically the arrangement of contents similar to Browser version of YouTube.

Playing the movie and like this. Recommended contents are arranged at the bottom of the screen, "Next video" is also displayed.

In the library, you can check past viewing history, your uploaded movies, purchased content, movies registered for later viewing, play lists created by yourself.

Basically it can be used in the same way as the mobile version YouTube application, such as the "registration channel" screen in which the accounts that you registered yourself are listed.

Search screen

You can sign in with multiple accounts and switch accounts according to the purpose.

At the time of article creation, only Nintendo 3DS and Wii U version of YouTube apps are displayed on the Japanese Nintendo official website , but if you access the Nintendo Switch directly from the Nintendo Switch, the YouTube application is displayed at the top , It is free to download.

The Nintendo Switch can set a password for entering the Nintendo e-shop where you can purchase download version of the game or download trial version. Check and restrict how much the child is playing the game using Nintendo Mimori Switch It is also possible, especially for parents with children to have the Nintendo Switch use the YouTube app rather than a mobile device such as a smartphone is likely to be a good choice.
Nintendo Switch is the ideal hardware to use streaming service - GIGAZINE

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