Ideas can be drilled down and organized for free with super easy settings Set the perfect service for favorite creators 'WorldType'

When creating, it is important to become more important than the main story is "plot" or "setting material" that supports the foundation of the story. Although it can be said that it is directly linked to the depth of the story how far these are built up, there are many people who are not good at organizing detailed information and data. Portfolio service WorldType is perfect for creators who are not keenly aware of it or for creators who love to make settings anyway.

Creative support tool "WorldType" - portfolio service between people and the world -

Click "Create the world" from the top page

Login is required to use the service. You can log in from Facebook and Google accounts, or create a new dedicated account. Click "New registration".

After entering the e-mail address, user name, password, click "User registration". Please note that,, can not be used at this time.

When a screen like a picture is displayed, confirm the registered e-mail address.

Click on the link stated in the mail you received.

Click "Send" on the link

Check the terms of use, check "I agree to the terms", click "I agree and continue".

The user page looks something like this. In order to build the setting, click "Create a new world".

Click on "Save" when you name it

I was able to create a new world. Click "Open world setting".

The world setting consists of several items such as "people", "group", "geography", etc. The more it fills in each, the more the work will be deep. First we will add a character setting to the trial. Click "to list of people".

After entering the name, since it is the hero, "Order in person list" is set to "1". After that, click "Select file" and insert the image of the character.

Select an image from the folder and click "Open".

Since inputting basic information is completed, click "Save".

A character has been added. Click "Details" to build more detailed settings.

Detailed settings range from role, character, personality tendency and so on. Click the green edit icon to edit each item.

First, after entering a brief explanation about the character, put a check in "Hero" from the role list on the story.

Also, click "Save" when you choose how the character behaves in the story.

In addition, I will enter detailed settings such as name including nickname and street name, birth date and origin such as hometown etc. Although it may not be an indispensable setting in the story, it should be involved in the character's way of speaking and the person who blends in the end of the word.

Even though it is easy to make symbolic settings, it is difficult to create the inner and background of the character. Even those who are not good at setting such details, items such as "behavioral principle", "past" and "now" are question forms, so they may be able to delve into the depths that I did not think about.

You can also set parameters such as "interpersonal tendency", "behavior tendency", "thought tendency". It is difficult to delve into the characters' character so far, so you might be able to know the unexpected aspect of the character that you born.

People who set up in this way can immediately access from "character" of the menu, so it seems to be good to refer to when the character appears.

Settings other than people can be set finely. To set about the stage where characters live and walk, click on "Create new terrain / region".

After entering the name of the terrain / region, insert an image from "Select file".

Select what type of terrain "Choose from templates" and click "Save". As templates are enriched from natural terrain to urban settlements, it may help to create a particularly fantasy world.

If you set the world setting more, it should be Ali to make in the question "What kind of problem does the society / group have," "What is trendy in that society / group"? Setting "problems" and "trends" in that world may be able to draw something called "society".

Other useful functions for creating the world are "encyclopedia" which collect original names. Click "To encyclopedia" to register a word.

Words can be registered in the cabinet by category. Click "Create a new category".

After entering the category name and description of the category, click "Save".

Since the category was settable in the dictionary, click on "Create new thing" and register the word.

After registering the subject name and its image and description, click "Save".

Since the registered dictionary can be accessed immediately from the "encyclopedia" of the menu, it is safe to forget the details of the original item.

In addition to organizing world settings, you can also utilize the "idea board" that can organize ideas to be stuck on the cork board. Click "Open" from the top page idea board.

Click "Create a new idea board"

After entering the name of the idea board, click "Save".

A blank idea board looks like this.

Click the text icon under the board to create a frame where you can enter text.

Click on the image icon to create a frame from which you can drop the image file. Click inside the frame to select and insert an image from the folder in the PC.

Clicking an icon like a spreadsheet creates a small board in the board.

By throwing in image frames as if they are crowded, it is possible to organize them into a collection of materials.

How to use the idea board is infinite, it is also recommended for people who stick with texts and sketches ideas that I thought anyway, and those who want to organize ideas and share it with others. Although the idea board is automatically saved in a certain time, if there is "not yet saved", there are updates that are not saved, so click on "save unsaved" and save.

By clicking on "Look at the published idea board" on the WorldType top page, you can refer to the idea board set to "Public" setting.

As each person uses the idea board, each person's usage may be helpful.

If it is a text based work it is easier to organize ideas, but it is hard to put together illustrations and sketches as ideas, so I felt WorldType would be useful in such a case. In addition, when you want to create a setting and create a deep world view / character, you can dig into the question form, so you can recommend that you touch the person who wants to set the setting!

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by log1e_dh