A new model of Chromecast will be inadvertently sold at stores inadvertently before announcing

Google will hold an event to announce the next product on October 9, 2018, but the new Chromecast that seems to be announced here was mistakenly sold in Best Buy, the world's largest consumer electronics retailer It is clear that it is.
I think I bought the 3rd gen Chromecast too early: google
https://www.reddit.com/r/google/comments/9jtjww/i_think_i_bought_the_3rd_gen_chromecast_too_early /
Best Buy is already stocking the unanounced third-generation Chromecast
Best Buy accidentally sells customer the new, unannounced Chromecast - The Verge
GrodStreetHomie, a Reddit user on the foreign bulletin board site, discovered that the 3rd generation Chromecast before the announcement is being sold. GrodStreetHomie happened to discover this new Chromecast at the store in Best Buy, but the clerk at the cash register seemed to have been unable to scan the product's barcode. This is because the information on the new Chromecast you tried to purchase was not yet registered with POS . Although the release date of the new Chromecast was "October 9" at which Google will perform a new product announcement event, since the price was the same as the second generation Chromecast, the clerk sells a new model that should not be released yet It was said that it was.
Since it is reported that Best Buy was stocking the product before the announcement in the past, it is wonderful even if the store possesses the 3rd generation Chromecast before Google announced that Android Police says.
Also, comparing 3rd generation Chromecast (left) purchased by GrodStreetHomie (left) and 2nd generation Chromecast ' Chromecast Ultra ' (right). The Chromecast Ultra uses shiny plastic materials, while the 3rd generation Chromecast is matte finish, the appearance looks quite different. Also, Chromecast Ultra had a decadeca and Chrome logo in the middle of the main body, but in the 3rd generation Chromecast the logo disappeared and instead the small "G" icon which is the same as the Pixel series is decorated about.

In addition, GrodStreetHomie who succeeded in getting the 3rd generation Chromecast earlier than anyone, but he tried to use it, he seems to be unable to set up, and the Google Home application was compatible with the 3rd generation Chromecast It seems that it can not be used unless it is updated to version.
Speaking of Chromecast, documentation submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) had been rumored to correspond to Bluetooth, but Android Police says, "Probably this (third generation Chromecast purchased by GrodStreetHomie) is Bluetooth-enabled It is highly likely that it is not a model but just a new model of the existing model design. "
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