A new kind of stone 'Euperlite' shining brightly in response to ultraviolet rays is discovered

It is reported that a new kind of mineral called " E perlite " has been discovered from the banks of Lake Superior in Michigan 's Chippewa County , shining beautifully in response to ultraviolet rays.
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Eric Lindamaki living in the Upper Peninsula , which forms the northwestern part of Michigan State, is a dealer who sells jewelry and minerals, frequently conducting "rock and hunting" and searching for rare stones. When Lintamaki was walking in the lake of Superior in June of 2017, I found that "stone that shines brightly" is mixed in the stone which thousands are rolling around.
The stone found by Lintamaki looks like a normal stone at first glance ... ...

When you irradiate with ultraviolet rays, the sparkling orange light shines like a star floating in the night sky or as a lava visible from the crack gap running to the ground.

Lintamaki named the shining stone found on the shore of the lake as "E perlite." This name seems to have taken from the word "UPers" which refers to people living on the upper peninsula.

Mr. Lintamaki, also a mineral quotient, decided to bring home a large amount of utopearlite and went back to the lake again with a UV light. Lintamaki, who brought back a bag full of bags, decided to sell U perlite online. Linda Maki grinds you perlite ... ...

We will further increase the radiance and make it a smooth shape for sale.

Then, Michigan State University interested in Eperiteight hoped to purchase, and in collaboration with Saskatchewan University in Canada, he conducted a study on Eperlite.

As a result, it turned out that uperite was a new kind of mineral. There must have been people who discovered Eupearite before Mr. Lintamaki, but the fact that Mr. Lintamaki disseminated the existence of Eperitrite on-line led to the identification of new minerals.

The news that "a rare stone that shines beautifully in response to ultraviolet rays was discovered" has spread all over the world, and Lintamaki has received a message of purchase wish from everywhere in the world such as Belgium, Britain, Singapore And that. While Lintamaki continues to sell U-pearlite online, he also has a "Ewel Perlite Discovery Tour at the Lake Superior", and he seems to have a reservation until 2019. At the tour participants walked on the lake with ultraviolet light ......

I will find Euperite to shine in response to ultraviolet rays.

Mr. Lintamaki says, "I never found a stone at the tour," he says, and if it is done for four hours using ultraviolet light from the evening, it is almost certain that you can discover uperite. When there is no tour, Mr. Lintamaki says that he is doing a night shift at the casino, "I am looking for U-pearlite until the morning sun rises since I finished work at 2 am."

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