IBM gets a patent of 'Reading the mind and delivering coffee to the drone'

A system patent permitting drone to hang a drink such as coffee and skip it and to deliver it to a person raising his hand or a person with a sleepy expression.
IBM's Barista Drone Patent Brings Biometric Sensors and Auctions to Coffee | Inverse
This patent was filed on December 22, 2015 by IBM, approved on August 7, 2018 about two and a half years later. The name of patent technology is "Drone Delivery of Coffee Based on a Cognitive State of an Indivudual" (coffee delivery based on personal recognition status).
Patent Images

The coffee delivery drone ( Fig.1 ) hangs the container under the aircraft as shown in the following figure, flying in a cup containing coffee in it. The control unit ( Fig.2 ) that can read gestures and expressions of people with cameras etc. is installed on the aircraft. In addition to fixing the coffee to the holder ( 230 ), a method of hanging down the water leakage prevention container ( 242 ) with the wires ( 244 ) is considered, and it is considered to cut the wire with the cutter ( 250 , 254 ) , I am going to hand it up and down with reel ( 252 ).

This drone is not limited to coffee, but it is devised with the aim of energizing people by delivering drinks with caffeine. Check the gestures of people (400A) to make some gesture in the camera that is mounted on the aircraft in addition to deliver a drink, even if flying more than one drone (200A ~ C) is, the person who carried out the gesture of (400C) A system is under consideration that controls the nearest drone ( 200 C ) so that it faces that person.

Furthermore, not only gesture, but also the application that drone senses a person whose activity level is declining, delivers coffee, and it animates. When the camera of the airframe finds a person ( 400 ) that is attacked by drowsiness, it is possible to automatically carry a caffeinated drink to that person.

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