North Korean hacker created for the Ransomware 'WannaCry' and hacked to Sony Pictures as the US prosecuted

In response to the involvement in the creation of the Ransomware " Wanna Cry " which caused a major epidemic in the world in 2017 and caused serious damage, in the case that Sony Pictures was hacked in 2014 and caused the whole system to go down , FBI has revealed a policy to prosecute a man of computer programmers in North Korea.
US Accuses North Korea of Plot to Hurt Economy as Spy Is Charged in Sony Hack - The New York Times
US to Charge North Korean Spy Over Wanna Cry and Sony Pictures Hack
North Korean computer programmer charged by Justice Department for 2014 Sony hack | Fox News
According to the information reported by the New York Times as information of a person close to the investigation of the case, it will be prosecuted that Park Jin Hyuk who belongs to the North Korean intelligence and construction agency " General of Korean Rear Armor (RGB)" A man named.

The hacking incident to Sony Pictures in 2014 was supposed to be targeted by North Korea's hacking attack as it was scheduled to distribute a satire comedy movie " The Interview " based on the situation of North Korea It is. This movie is an extremely sturdy comedy movie to assassinate North Korea's highest leader Kim Rae-sung's first secretary (then), but North Korea announced a very strong opposition just after the release of the work was announced. Moreover, the extreme theme was controversial such as criticism was gathered from government officials even in the United States.
Sony Pictures decided to discontinue the movie "The Interview", which is caused by the suggestion of act of terrorism to the movie theater - GIGAZINE

YouTube allows you to watch the trailer video. Although it is a comedy work, it is an extreme content that pushes out that it is "going to assassinate Kim Jong Il" as a theme.
The Interview - Official Teaser Trailer - In Theaters This Christmas - YouTube
This movie was scheduled to be released worldwide starting December 25, 2014 in the world, but Sony Pictures who is the distribution source suffered a large-scale cyber attack and the whole system goes down, Occurred. In addition, the mail data of Amy Pascal who is co-chairman of the company leaked, the back side of the movie production which should not be originally published, and the list of pseudonyms used by the movie star for privacy protection leaked out It was happening, etc.
Information leakage from Sony Pictures, such as "Tom Cruise to Jobs" and the pseudonym of celebrity etc. continue GIGAZINE

Also, it was announced that on December 17 the same year, all groups including Video on Demand will be canceled as a group that is said to have performed a cyber attack threatened the theaters scheduled for screening. However, after that, Sony Pictures decided to turn around and release. On December 25, 2014, it was unveiled at 331 theaters in the US, released more than 1 million dollars (about 100 million yen) on the first day of public release, and 2.85 million dollars (about 300 million yen) We earn a box office record such as earning a box office record.
Also, the work has been distributed online, and it is earning more than 15 million dollars (about 1.7 billion yen) in 4 days after the start of distribution.
A movie "The Interview" with the theme of North Korea, which was thought to be canceled, started to be distributed online - GIGAZINE

In the US FBI has suspected North Korea 's involvement just after the incident occurred, and conducted an investigation on the way of the crime such as attack route.
Then in 2017, this time the situation occurred in which the rantamware "Wanna Cry" that poked Windows vulnerabilities became a major epidemic worldwide. Its infectious power is extremely high, in only three days the damage has been confirmed in 150 countries, infection has been confirmed in more than 300,000 medical institutions, infection spread also in Nissan Renault's automobile factory, It caused various obstacles all over the world. And, behind this incident, investigation has been carried out as if North Korea was involved.
File encryption · ransom request "Wanna Cry" is a worldwide pandemic to enter emergency situations where urgent patches are distributed to Windows XP, current situation & countermeasure summary - GIGAZINE

And finally FBI clarified the policy to prosecute by naming Paku who is a computer programmer of North Korea as being involved in these incidents.

Among the affidavits of more than 170 pages, the method of investigation found out. Park has been using multiple Gmail addresses and pseudonyms to disperse attacks, and it is also seen that there is a North Korean state behind it.

Park said that he belongs to North Korean hacker group "Lazarus" who is supposed to be financially supported by the reconnaissance office. It is also clear that the North Korean front company was working at Choson Expo, which has a base in Dalian, China, and it has also been found that he and she frequently visited China and North Korea .
US government, North Korean hacker first prosecution Cyber attack involvement (Photo: AP): Nihon Keizai Shimbun
In response to this report, the US Department of Justice to which the FBI belongs has not accepted comments. In addition to the movement of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance has also announced sanctions against Park and suspected workers.
US Department of Justice prosecuted North Korean hacker - "Wanakurai" by cyber attacks - Bloomberg 26 JIJU Q 01
Treasury Secretary Muelusin said in a statement, "We will not tolerate that North Korea under sanction will threaten the world's cyber security to promote national interests and gain unfair profit." "The United States plans to take responsibility for North Korea's criminal acts such as cyber attacks," he added.
While uncertainty can not be overlooked in the bilateral talks that began with the North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and the American President Donald Tramp, what does this attitude in the United States mean and what kind of development will it develop It seems that attention will be gathered whether it will be decided.
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