A scientist who was deprived of the achievement of the Nobel Prize by the boss, even won a scientific prize of 300 million yen in prize, 'prize money donated'

Joslyn Bell Burnell, who discovered a celestial body generating X-rays " Pulsar " at the time of graduate studies but whose achievement was acknowledged and he was the boss who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1974, decades It was decided to receive a science prize of about 300 million yen for the prize money. Mr. Burnel uses this prize for minority students such as women and ethnic minorities.
Breakthrough Prize - Special Breakthrough Prize In Fundamental Physics Awarded To Jocelyn Bell Burnell For Discovery Of Pulsars
Bell Burnell: Physics star gives away £ 2.3m prize - BBC News
British astrophysicist overlooked by Nobels wins $ 3m award for pulsar work | Science | The Guardian
In 1974, They Gave The Nobel To Her Supervisor. Now She's Won A $ 3 Million Prize: NPR
https://www.npr.org/2018/09/06/645257118/in -1974-they-gave-the-nobel-to-her-supervisor-now-shes-won-a-3-million-prize
Scientist Robbed of Nobel in 1974 Finally Wins $ 3 Million Physics Prize - And Gives It Away
Astrophysicist Mr. Burnel discovered Pulsar under Mr. Antony Hewish during his postgraduate years at the University of Cambridge. A paper was submitted jointly by five researchers, Mr. Huish was named after Mr. Burnel's name, but in 1974 "The decisive role in the discovery of pulsar" was recognized and the Nobel Prize was awarded It was Mr. Huisch who is Mr. Burnel's boss who won the prize. Mr. Huisch built a radio telescope with Mr. Burnel, but since Mr. Burnel discovered Pulsar, Mr. Burnel did not become a co-winner at that time also caused a big debate. In particular, Fred Hoil , a co-worker of Mr. Huish, said that he criticized the accident .

Mr. Burnel's achievement will be recognized in November 2018. In 2012 Google's founder Sergei Brin and Mark Zuckerburg and others have created the " Breakthrough Award " for excellent science achievement, but Mr. Barbell gave the basic physics of 2018 It was decided to receive the academic breakthrough award . In 1974, the Nobel committee awarded winners prizes of 124,000 dollars (about 68 million yen in terms of current value) to the winners, and Mr. Huisch received the Nobel Prize in Physics in the same year We shared the prize with Mr. Martin Lyle , but Bernell did not receive the prize. However, with the award of the breakthrough award, Mr. Burnel will receive 3 million dollars (about 330 million yen).

In response to BBC's interview, Mr. Burnel said "I do not need money for myself," he said he would like to use prize money to oppose the "invisible bias" present in the physics world. Specifically, he seems to want to create a scholarship for women and ethnic minorities interested in science.
At the time of graduate student, Mr. Burnel said it was " in poster syndrome " that I felt like a fraudster who could not positively acknowledge my achievement internally. But that's why I was able to do thorough work carefully, "Pulsar's discovery happened because I was a minority Ph.D. student," Burnel says.
Although Mr. Hoil said during the Nobel Prize in 1974, Mr. Burnel said that he did not complain at that time. Mr. Burnel to The Guardian, "I feel that I did not win the Nobel Prize and since then I feel that it worked very well.When I win the Nobel Prize, I can spend a great time in a week, but then anyone I can not get it, but because I could not win the Nobel Prize, I got other awards and everyone had a party almost every year, so that was a lot of fun. "
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