An attempt to conserve coral reefs by creating 'artificial coral' with 3D printers is ongoing

Corals form coral reefs in the sea, become corridors of various creatures and become diving spots, but in recent years the worldwide reduction of coral reefs has become a big problem. In order to preserve the environment created by such coral reefs, attempts are being made to create artificial coral reefs in the sea by creating artificial corals with 3D printers.
A new dimension to marine restoration: 3D printing coral reefs
Coral reef bleaching phenomena caused by rising seawater temperature and salinity concentration are observed all over the world, and it is said that coral reef reduction rate is "more than ever" and "crisis pace". If coral reefs are reduced as it is, there is concern that coral reefs will eventually disappear after nature exceeds the rate at which coral reefs are recovered.
Experts say that coral reef bleaching phenomenon spreads in the oceans all over the world, "I can not return it to anymore"

August 2018 under such circumstances, is an island floating on the famous Indian Ocean in the beautiful coral reefs Maldives is a resort Summer Island Maldives in the sea of, made with 3D printer ceramics was made of artificial coral is installed It was. It was a company named Reef Design Lab , a non-profit enterprise in Australia that installed artificial corals, and blocks of artificial corals put on a motorboat were carried by the diver to the ocean floor and assembled by the manual work at the ocean floor about.
Mr. Alex Goud , founder of Leaf Design Lab, focused on the possibilities of 3D printers that can easily create objects in various shapes and thought about using 3D printers to conserve coral reefs . "I launched a leaf design lab to support ocean research, ceramic is the best material as a cornerstone of coral farming, and I am paying close attention," Gord said.
In fact, it can be confirmed in the following movie how the leaf design lab installed artificial coral made by 3D printer in the sea of Summer · Island · Maldives.
World's Largest 3-D printed Reef installed at Summer Island Maldives
Summer · Island · Maldives is a resort with a very beautiful sea.

We will load a block of artificial corals made by Reef Design Lab into a small motorboat brought to the beach by hand.

An incredibly blue sea, a motor board carrying artificial corals advanced ... ...

I will drop artificial coral at the sea bottom 7 m offshore.

First of all, divers are sinking parts of artificial corals one after another with their submarine ... ...

After sinking all 220 parts in the ocean, a diver carrying an oxygen cylinder assembled artificial coral.

No special machine is required to assemble artificial coral of leaf design laboratory, it can be assembled manually.

Gradually finishing things like coral reefs ... ...

About two hours of work, artificial coral reefs were completed.

After that, fix living coral to artificial coral and use artificial coral as the foundation for cultivation.

It seems that organisms such as fish have gathered around artificial corals immediately after installation.

The artificial coral installed by the Reef Design Lab off the Maldives is about 2.5 m in height and it has a size of 4 m square. Creating hollow ceramic parts with a 3D printer, concrete is poured inside the hollow to enhance stability.

Prior to installation in the Maldives, the Reef Design Lab has been trying to install artificial corals in the ocean. In the artificial coral installed at that time seaweed breeding in just a few months after installation, it seems that many creatures began to use artificial corals as a hide and a retreat.
Establishment of artificial corals is not a powerful means to stop coral reef declines right now or restore reduced corals. However, it is possible to provide a retreat where the ocean current is weak and it is hard to find other creatures, and creatures troubled by coral reefs can be used as a shelter.

In making artificial corals with 3D printers, Mr. Gord is careful not to use materials that have bad influence on living things, or to make sure that the structure itself does not adversely affect the environment of the sea. "Some artists think that artificial corals made by 3D printers look like innovative means to stop coral reef declines, but it is actually difficult for artificial corals to stop coral reefs from decreasing, and at the most, We can use it as a fish farm, "Gord said.
Mr. Gord considers artificial coral reefs to be available for researchers working on conservation of coral reefs to study coral farming methods. By making artificial corals of various shapes with 3D printers, it is possible to study what kind of shape is most suitable for the coral farming foundation.
Although coral reefs around the world are in a crisis situation, Mr. Gord said, "I am paying attention to how far coral research is progressing, some researchers study coral farming methods In addition to those who do it, others investigate corals that can endure even if the temperature in the sea rises, and some people are trying to identify which genes have heat resistance. "As many people cooperate, they revive coral reefs I have a hope that I will be made. "

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