A wonderful image rejuvenating by retouching while a woman reflected in a 4K movie keeps fine texture of the skin

Maintaining the fine texture of the skin and without changing the face dramatically, "retouching technology to rejuvenate the person in the movie" was developed. It is quite common that an amazing 4K movie has been released and impossible for video editing.

Digital Beauty Retouch Age Reduction VFX 4K on Vimeo

A woman who says something.

Hold the glass ......

A state of drinking water is drawn in high definition.

Smile smile.

Next time I came up with the same pose, the same clothes, a woman who also eats something. However, the appearance of the skin is clearly different, I feel the age difference with the woman.

Close up the mouth.

A yellow line comes from the right side of the screen. When looking carefully, the appearance on the screen before the line passed and on the screen after passing through ... ...

Skin wrinkles are steadily disappearing.

It is not unnatural just because the wrinkles disappeared, as if the time really went back and the woman had rejuvenated.

Compare it as a still image.

The yellow line slowly moves from right to left.

The smiley face makes the difference more obvious.

Comparing it is like this.

Such movie retouching is not limited to "age change". Men's rough skin is retouched in the following movies.

Digital Acne Treatment & Skin Resurfacing VFX | 2K on Vimeo

It looks like a smooth skin man ... ...

Actually, the original state is the upper half. Smooth skin is expressed by retouching.

Furthermore, not only the face but also the body can be retouched! Also the movie represented that it was. It is difficult to imagine the original movie anymore and makes you feel the infinite possibilities of retouching

Hybrid Mud | Age Reduction VFX on Vimeo

You can see how naked men and women are retouched by watching the movie.

The movie of Rousselos Aravantinos, the creator's beauty artist and compositor, has been released in addition to this and can be viewed from the following Vimeo page.

Vimeorousselos Aravantinos

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log