The effect of 'stretching after exercise' is different from what we imagine, why should we stretch for weight loss and health?

by bruce mars
Various assertions are made about the effect of stretch, and it is said that "stretch removes lactic acid from muscle after exercise" or "stretch before exercise is counterproductive". Do people who do exercise really should do stretching? That is explained by Mr. David Prologo, Associate Professor at Emory University.
Why stretching is (still) important for weight loss and exercise
When you move the muscles and train, the fuel is exhausted, "waste" is made, and the muscle fibers are destroyed by minute scratches. If you compare it to a party, food is exhausted, garbage such as napkins and chicken bones has emerged, the table setting is messed up. To do the next party you need to prepare the dishes again, throw out the garbage, and restore the table.
This process is "recovery" in muscle. Especially for athletes who need to raise performance many times in a short period of time, it is very important to increase recovery speed.
In order to eliminate lactic acid and anti-inflammatory markers accumulated by vigorous exercise and increase muscle recovery speed, the athlete can use various methods such as cryotherapy , massage, compression, chilling in cold water, stretching, hyperbaric oxygen therapy , electrical muscle stimulation I will take a method. Among them, research that has been done so far shows that it is only massage that the effect is consistently recognized. In fact, it is known that stretching does not "significantly contribute" to removing lactic acid, which is a waste, and helping to restore muscles.
However, many people do not do hard training to compete with someone like athletes, whose purpose is in "health" and "weight loss". Therefore, the process after exercise is not "recovery", it is necessary to focus on "body remodeling".

by mentatdgt
Muscular structure, metabolism and physiological function of the human body will change by exercise. In the example of a party, 500 people are coming to a place where there are only 10 tables at the beginning. I can not prepare enough at the first party, but after that, prepare for the next party, you can increase the efficiency of the kitchen and increase the number of tables. Likewise, if the body is remodeled by exercise, it will be possible to do more momentum.
Through more than 35 years of research , what helped in remodeling the body by exercise were "Timing to ingest nutrition (especially protein)" "Movement type" "Massage" "Sleep" "Low amount of creatine Ingestion ", and" stretch ".
The most widely accepted stretch's efficacy is improving and maintaining joint movement range consisting of bones and joints, and strengthening connective tissue , which improve performance of exercise. Studies have shown that general stretching is performed for several weeks, there is a positive change that the muscle fiber becomes longer, and the stretching improves the blood circulation of animals under exercise.
It is certainly shown that researching that "performing the next stretch after keeping the pose for 30 seconds" before performing the exercise will weaken the strength of the muscles during exercise. In addition, research results that "injury can not be prevented by stretching before exercise, as believed for many years" is also available. However, the results of these studies have been demonstrated in a specific situation, and it does not apply to many people who do exercise.
If you are a professional athlete who is an athlete to prepare for the next game or want to prevent injury and increase muscle strength, you should be cautious about stretching. However, if you are doing exercise for health or weight loss, stretching that helps positive muscle change will be effective in the long run.

by bruce mars
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