Animal protection group appeals to 100% plant-derived artificial meat 'Impossible Foods' as 'carcinogenic'

' Impossible Foods ' reproducing the texture, smell and taste of beef from 100% plant origin has received investment from many investors including Bill · Gates and used Impossible Foods for Patty The hamburger shop " Impossible Burger " has stores throughout the country. For such Impossible Foods, animal protection group PETA accuses "188 rats are sacrificed to test the safety of Impossible Foods, Impossible Foods has carcinogenicity" .
PETA roasts Impossible Burger for rat tests, suggests patties cause cancer | Ars Technica
More Than 180 Rats Killed in 'Impossible Burger' Tests | PETA
Setting the record straight: How PETA extremists are undermining their own mission
For Impossible Foods, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had previously requested the provision of safety data. What the FDA was concerned about was the leggal maglobin substance used to reproduce the beef-likeness in Impossible Foods made from soybeans, the FDA said, "Artificially created leg hemoglobin is He told Impossible Foods the doubt that there might be a possibility of causing health problems.
FDA has doubts on the safety of 100% plant-derived hamburger "Impossible Burger"

So Impossible Foods conducted animal experiments using 188 rats to test the safety of their products. In the experiment, it was confirmed that ingestion of leg hemoglobin more than usual intake by humans for rats did not affect health. However, PETA has disputed this experiment. PETA condemned Impossible Foods on his own homepage, "Impossible Foods did animal experiments, ignoring the advice" There is no need to do animal testing "by PETA scientists.
In legislation of Impossible Foods, leg hemoglobin is explained as "a source of secrets that produces the texture of beef, despite the plant origin", which is an essential element for Impossible Foods. So, Rachel Conrad, spokeswoman for Impossible Foods who received an indication from the FDA, said, "I faced an awkward dilemma but decided to experiment with rats to save billions of cattle," I wrote it on a blog and said that we conducted animal experiments as humane as possible.
In addition, in the same blog, Mr. Conrad said, "Since PETA activists have been attacking Impossible Foods since August 2017, in addition to the negative campaign on SNS, we send a lot of mail to Impossible Foods We are trying to bring down the problem, "he condemned PETA's protest activity to be overkill.

by audrey_sel
PETA also states that leg hemoglobin contained in Impossible Foods contains a larger amount of iron than hemoglobin contained in normal meat, "risk of carcinogenesis due to overdose of iron increases." Although it seems that there is a research result that " excess intake of iron is related to the onset of cancer ", it seems that there is also a result of the study, but it is in the extent that I ate Impossible Burger simply using Impossible Foods, it falls into overdose of iron There is little possibility.
Also, the National Institute of Health stated that " people with normal bowel function have little chance of falling into excessive intake of iron from food ."
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