When a female heart attack patient is treated by a male doctor it is more likely to die

by voltamax
As the Australian researchers show in July 2018 that the probability of a woman experiencing a severe heart attack dying within six months is twice that of men, there is a gender difference in the mortality rate in heart attacks It is regarded as a problem in recent years. And a new study showed that if a woman suffered a heart attack, the sex of the doctor who is going to be treated or diagnosed affects the survival rate.
Patient-physician gender concordance and increased mortality among female heart attack patients | PNAS
Women survive heart attacks better with women doctors: Study | EurekAlert! Science News
Women more likely to survive heart attack if treated by female doctor - study | Society | The Guardian
The survey found that women are more likely to have a heart attack without chest pain, and the timing of calling for help tends to be delayed. In addition, a research result that the female heart attack tends to be misdiagnosed as an anxiety disorder and the initial treatment tends to be delayed, and the mortality rate due to a heart attack is higher for women than men was also announced in 2014 .
A research team of Brad Greenwood et al., Who is an associate professor of Information Determination Science at the University of Minnesota, who conducted a new research, investigated medical records of the emergency department in Florida from 1991 to 2010. In addition to patient's age, sex, and health problems, I examined whether the patient died in the hospital, whether I was the first doctor in the emergency room to be a woman or a male, and found out more than 580,000 11.9% of the patients were heart attack patients who died in the hospital.

by ElasticComputeFarm
Researchers have found that survival of patients increases when the sex of patients and doctors are consistent in the survey.
And as a result of further investigation, it was found that although survival rates of male patients and female patients in charge of female doctors are similar, survival rates of patients, especially female patients, when male doctors are in charge It turned out to be low. Female patients treated by male doctors said survival rate was 1.5% lower than female doctor treated male patients.
The research team has also discovered that survival rates of female patients will be higher if the proportion of female physicians who are suffering from heart attacks in emergency departments is high. It is said that this tendency becomes particularly strong when a male doctor is treating a female patient.
Greenwood believes that for this reason female doctors can treat heart attacks while sharing their experiences with patients. Also, even when a male doctor looked at a female patient, the survival rate of women increased as the male doctor had been treating female heart attack patients in the past.

by rud0070
"This finding suggests why gender inequality exists in the survival rate of heart attacks, many doctors are men, and male doctors seem to be plagued by treatment of female patients "The researchers have said that they claim the necessity of a female doctor in emergency departments.
However, according to the results of this study, Professor Chris Gale belonging to the Department of Cardiovascular Disease at Leeds University in the United Kingdom said, "It is based on American data, I do not know if the same thing can be said in other countries' medical system," Pointed out. In addition, in the United States several doctors are patients, so we note that the results of this study focusing only on the sex of one doctor who first treated, is limited.
In addition, Professor Gale also told that women are disadvantaged also that there is an image that "sufferers of heart attacks usually smoke, overweight and middle-aged men with diabetes". Professor Gale pointed out that the symptoms of a woman's heart attack are irregular and may lead to the fact that women's heart attacks are not properly treated by various factors as well as the sex of the physician It is.
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