I ate Tully's new box sand such as potato salad sand with Asian dish 'Humus' and shrimp sand using shrimp paste

From Tully's on July 25, 2018 (Wednesday), a set of new sandwich sandwiches " Select Sand Shrimp Tuna & Hum Spots " has appeared. Twist the basil shrimp and tuna of Turkey, spicy in the central Asian cuisine such as Greek hummus and has become a set of sandwich across the, I tried to eat a variety of taste at a time.

Sandwiches using topic super food "Humus" also appeared!

Arrived at Tully's.

"Select sand shrimp tuna & homme potato" (430 yen including tax) is in a refrigerated case. I ordered it and finished treasurer.

"Select sand shrimp tuna & homme potato" seems to be of two kinds when it sees only the name, but actually two kinds of sandwiches are included two each.

Introduction I will try eating shrimp tunasand with a contrast of green lettuce and brown bread.

The sandwiched paste is a combination of tuna, mayonnaise, shrimp and so on. To the place where the flavor of shrimp was added to the iron plate combination of tuna and mayonnaise, the flavor of basil is accented.

As potato salad sandwiched between potato salad sandwiches, Asian dish " Humus " which is paste like chickpeas and mixed with sesame seeds, spices, etc. is used and compared with potato salad made only with potato salad I am close to yellow.

Besides the potato salad, sliced ​​cucumbers were sandwiched. Thanks to the spice of Humus, there is some scent that makes me think of curry.

The last sandwich is a pickled egg with pickles with honey mustard flavor. Good compatibility with the egg with mustard's flavor and chilled saltiness. A slightly sweet taste of honey mustard had added depth. It is not an amount enough to be full, but it is an impression that you can enjoy a variety of rich taste when you are hungry.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log