Headline news on 15th June 2018

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:00 Jun 15, 2018, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Today · From 15 o'clock on June 15, 2018Friday road SHOW!Disney movie "Zootopia"Will be terrestrial broadcast first. Regardless of predators or predators, giant city zoot peers coexisting in the cozy, rabbit newcomers Judy full of enthusiasm for work, Nick of fox that treats Judy chillily, To follow the missing case of. If you can not see it at the theater release, please enjoy it on this occasion.

By the way, I posted such an article on the same day of the same month in the past.

I've been enjoying sushi at "Sushi Shinden Naka" which I'm doing all-you-can-eat for 70 minutes at "Do not turn sushi" - GIGAZINE

When a geographically loving human goes around the world, this map remains on hand - GIGAZINE

The secret of "Machine of Antiqueilla Island" which is said to be the world's oldest analog computer revealed - GIGAZINE

100 thousand records collected by the Air Force over several years disappeared due to a PC crash - GIGAZINE

Five things that I do not know well about water - GIGAZINE

60 Tera Bit / sec Explosion Fiber Optic Fiber Submarine Cable "FASTER" Landing Operation Site Suspended Repo, inside of one end of a cable connected to the United States and a relay station like this - GIGAZINE

3D printing technology capable of outputting metal in the air, building the bridge in the city of Holland - GIGAZINE

Just by covering the pig rose block with powder, I tried using "thick baked pork seasoning" which makes it easy to transcend soft burned pigs - GIGAZINE

Urban Armor that Automatically Prevents Molester in Train "Personal Space Dress" - GIGAZINE

There was a lot of addresses in Japan that opened a database of secret files that anyone could use tax havens - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (Memo · Others)

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
The oldest map discovery almost entire area of ​​the Japanese archipelago Museum of Hiroshima: Asahi Shimbun Digital

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
First store in Osaka · Nishinari, for sale super-discount "Tamade" super business To SankeiBiz (Sankei Biz), a leading enterprise of hen egg major "Ise food"

Shinkansen: contact with a person during Nozomi or part of the human body from the tip - Mainichi Newspaper

Sanyo Shinkansen noticing contact abnormal sounds with people Report without running | NHK News

Soyo Shinkansen contact accident body is a 52-year-old man in Fukuoka prefecture | NHK News

A salute to the general of North Korea in front of Kim Jong-In, one accused of President Cardinal International Afternoon News: AFPBB News

Supporting the cessation of US-Korean military exercise Harris of the next Korean ambassador in Korea (Photo = Union · joint): Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare "Mandating inter-service intervals is premature" | NHK News

Fire at the beginning of a firing man towards a monkey dead Chiba Kamogawa | NHK News

On the evening of 14th, death was confirmed at the hospital that was carried in the back yama of Kamogawa-shi, Chiba prefecture, hitting the head of a male in the 70's where the shotgun bullet shot to disinfect monkey was near, It was. The police arrested a 67-year-old man who shot a gun in charge of negligent lethal work and is investigating the situation at the time.

News Up suspicious person of "Anpanman mask" | NHK News

"The suspicious person wearing the face of Anpanman seems to have brought the child into the car"
Calling attention to abandonment, such information is spreading through Twitter and others. "Number of cars" "Characteristics of your face" "Moriguchi" More and more specific information has been added each time it is spread. The administration also disseminated as suspicious person information and called for attention.
Was there evil Anpanman?

Even labor base veteran supervisor concerned high professional concern "I can not hand it out": Asahi Shimbun Digital

High professional application annual income, commuting allowance is also Komikomu Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare opinion: Asahi Shimbun Digital

All EU countries support the application of retaliatory tariffs on rice products = Relations sources | Reuters

CNN.co.jp: Attorney of NY State Attorney General, Trump Foundation Administration by President Family

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)

Train broadcasting: Foreigners living in everyday living in Japan Long term sentences · Prevent honorific words Japanese classroom survey - Mainichi Shimbun

Kyoto Univ .: Standing signboard, located in the west campus Located from outside the club - Mainichi Shimbun

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)

Confirmation of your own medical expenses and medicine history on the Internet Confirmation system construction | NHK News

Ten prefectural police caught 16 people by illegal mining, unauthorized access by virtual currency acquisition - Sankei news

Impact of "caught 16 people by illegal mining" ... three already arrested "too insane" "Japan ended" - Togetter

Topics on NHK's World Cup app are amazing! Live viewing, text commentary, various data, corresponding to camera view switching: Domestica blog

Number of registered channels that popular Virtual YouTuber "Dennou Shoujo Shiloh" is about 500,000 soon | AbemaTIMES

JVN # 98975951: Cross site scripting vulnerability in Chrome extension 5000 trillion yen converter

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
The smashing birth parent Mr. Sakurai's 'The Purine Master' Tweet and Overseas People Confusion - Togetter

Red hair · big eyes ... Moe kyara Ningyo joruri for the first time in Osaka: Asahi Shimbun Digital

"OCTOPATH TRAVELER (Octopus Traveler) Introduction Video Compilation - YouTube

PlayStation (R) 4 / Xbox One "JUMP FORCE" play video battle edition - YouTube

"Ghost of Tsushima" (provisional name) E3 2018 Trailer - YouTube

Cygames Sneak into the new studio! - YouTube

Fall 2018 TV anime broadcasting start! "Gyokoro Shop Clerk Honda-san" 1st PV - YouTube

TV animation "Hakurei no Hao and Covenant 's Girl Otome" PV 2nd - YouTube

Anime "Dies irae" 2018 PV 2nd bullet - YouTube

"The manga village" has been closed many times, the sales of his work has become many times "and the voice of the joy of the cartoonist and the opinion of Professor Hidehide Sato for it - Togetter

"Born from Wakayama" Birthday of the game character "Takagaki Kaede", a fantasy pilgrimage to the shop selling sake of "same name" by chance (1/2 page) - Sankei WEST

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)

Where are you 240,000 votes? AKB OTA 's Doubutado Election: Asahi Shimbun Digital

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
Achieve rich flavor of wheat without saccharide New genre of alcohol 7% "Clear Asahi Clear Seven" New release on July 3 (Tue)!

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt