Does 'Meals taken late into the night' really lead to obesity?

"To eat late at night" is considered to be one cause of obesity, it is said that eating in the earliest time leads to weight loss. Mr. Alex Johnstone, who is researching nutrition at the AWB's Rowet Research Institute and Mr. Peter Morgan who is a professor at the university, talks about whether the timing of meals really affects obesity I will.

Does eating late at night really make you gain more weight? - Quartz

The increase or decrease in body weight is caused by the calorie ingested and the balance of calories consumed, so the calorie ingested by meals greatly affects.Research at the University of MissouriAs an approach to suppress ingestion calorie, it is effective to reduce the desire to eat afterward by taking a high protein diet at breakfast to reduce the desire to eat afterwards, and suppress the calorie intake on the 1st day It has been reported.

According to this study, by getting a high protein diet, dopamine is released into the brain and a feeling of "getting a reward" can be obtained. A researcher at the University of Missouri says that this "getting rewarded" sense will eventually lead to suppression of food intake. The same resultUniversity of California StudyHowever, it is said that the main meal of the day can be taken less in the morning than at night to reduce the risk of obesity.

However, it does not mean that any meal for breakfast is good. We are manufacturing cereal food etc.Kellogg's studyThen, those who ate meat and eggs at breakfastBMI indexHowever, it was shown that it was higher than those who had bread and cereal for breakfast.

The timing of the main meal changes according to culture. For example, in Spain it is common to eat main meal during the day and finish with snacks in the evening. SpanishResearch at the University of MurciaIt is suggested that the change in meal time has an influence on the success of diet, and the main meal reports that it is more effective to lose the main meal at lunch than for dinner.

So, who can not lose weight simply by having breakfast take it?In the study of Bath University, The results denying previous studies are shown, and it is known that there are people who lead to weight gain by taking breakfast. Therefore, it became clear that taking breakfast does not necessarily lead to weight loss.

In conclusion, the data that the timing of meals leads to obesity is all the results shown from observational studies, there is no basis. In addition to the timing of meals, there is a possibility that the usual lifestyle such as "frequency of exercise" and "smoking situation" may affect the cause of obesity, and "the timing of meal affects weight and health More evidence is needed to indicate.

in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log