What are the eight tricks to improve overeating?

The year-end and New Year holidays tend to have more opportunities to eat with family and friends and drink alcohol because there are events from Christmas to Bōnenkai, from New Year's Day to New Year's Day, New Year's party and so on. Furthermore, while watching television at home, the weight gets enlarged in three consecutive stages of eating too much, drinking too much, and exercising. The Conversation introduces the improvement points to care about over-eating and drinking excessively in eight.
Eight ways to reduce the chances of overeating these holidays
◆ 1: Do shopping plannedly - When you eat with friends and family as guests, you tend to prepare a lot of food, but lining up many dishes on the table will eat too much . Let's plan the meal in advance and create a shopping list. When shopping at the supermarket, you should follow this shopping list thoroughly and take care not to buy foods not on the list impulsively.

◆ 2: Do not bring food to the house <br> Restrict the type and amount of food to bring into the house. Especially try to avoid junk foods that are easy to reach, so that they do not go into sight.
◆ 3: Reduce processed foods - By reducing calorie intake per volume, you can reduce calories without compromising feeling of fullness. According to research conducted at the Harvard University Public Health Graduate School, people who eat foods in a more natural state on behalf of processed foods can maintain or reduce their weight more easily by limiting intake I know that.
◆ 4: Reduce the amount of one serving - If the amount of meals provided at once is large, the amount of food to eat will increase at the same time even though the satisfaction level does not change. According to a survey by the Deakin University in Australia (PDF file), it seems that people drank more than 35% more than usual, when doubling the amount of meals served. However, Cambridge University's research shows the possibility that if you reduce the amount of one serving too much, you will eat something unnecessarily to compensate for missing parts.
◆ 5: Use smaller tableware - In a situation where you share foods on your plate like a buffet format, try to use smaller dishes. As the area of the dish narrows, the amount of food on the dish will inevitably decrease. Conversely, doubling the size of dishes and bowls will increase the amount of meal.

◆ 6: Use social influences - Even if you are careful about how much you care, you also need to be aware that you will be affected by other people's eating habits. A research team at Rudboud University in the Netherlands reports on the research results that "When eating with someone, individual meal amounts tend to coincide with meals of other people who dine together." As other people are eating a lot, there are possibilities that they are too lacky to eat too much, so let's set up everyone to eat the amount you specify.
◆ 7: Using a tall and thin glass <br> drinking alcohol or juice with a tall glass that is tall like a champagne glass is not only easy to see elegant drinking gestures, but also drinks drinks It is said to be recommended as it can also expect the effect of less amount to be finished.

◆ 8: Be aware of the influence of alcohol <br> Alcohol is said to be 29 kilojoules (about 6.9 kilocalories) per gram and it has a calorie of about 954 kilojoules (about 227 kilocalories) in 250 ml of glass wine That's right. Alcohol dulls the reaction of the stomach, there are also research papers suggesting the possibility of eating too much until the signal that "it got full" arrives at the brain even if you eat a sufficient amount .
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