Pornhub, a major porn site, announces that it will provide a free VPN service 'VPNhub'

VPN service is a service that enables highly confidential Internet connection.
Pornhub has launched its own VPN for the most private kind of browsing – BGR
Pornhub made a free VPN (that's totally not just for watching porn)
Pornhub launched a VPN service called 'VPNhub'. VPNhub can be used on Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, and it is said that VPN connection can be used for free and without restrictions. VPNhub is independent of the Pornhub site itself, so you do not need to register as a member of Pornhub to use it.
VPNhub is not a VPN service created only for 'sneaking a look at pornographic sites', but it can access any site including pornographic sites.
'VPNhub is the fastest VPN service in the world, and you can choose from over 1000 servers in more than 15 countries to go through,' said Cory Price, Vice President of Pornhub. Pornhub will never store a person's personal information or provide it to a third party.

In addition, although VPNhub can basically use all services in the free version, if you register for the paid version of $ 12.99 (about 1400 yen) per month, you can communicate even faster than the free version, and it will be displayed in the free version. The advertisement to be displayed will not be displayed.
In addition, VPNhub is available for Google Play Store, App Store, Windows, MacOS version.
VPNhub --Secure, Private, Fast & Unlimited VPN --Google Play app
VPNHUB --Private & Unlimited on the App Store
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in Web Service, Security, Posted by log1h_ik