The relationship between us and time was made by the appearance of "train"


About the mistake that the train starts departing "20 seconds" earlier than scheduled at the Tsukuba Express, I posted an apology on the official websiteIt was news. As you can see from this example, our life is scheduled in seconds. However, the history of strictly dealing with time was quite shallow, and before the train emerged, the relationship between time and people was different from the present day, says Carlo Rovelli theoretical physicist.

The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli

How train travel changed the whole world's relationship with time - Quartz

According to Mr. Rovelli, items such as sundials, hourglass and water clock existed from ancient times in China and the Mediterranean region, but they did not play as important role as "clock" in our life today. This was the same even after the sundial was used in Europe in the 14th century and the clock at that time taught the passage of time along with the sound of the bell, but also the timing when the bell rings, It was different if different.

People of those days agreed that "noon if the sun rises to the highest position in the sky"The sunWas adopted. In other words, the recognition of when noon is different varies from place to place.

byNathan Dumlao

This situation changed greatly since the 19th century. Movement by train started, "Standard time" was born as inconvenience was born in the situation that "time varies depending on location".

Great Britain western railroad in 1840Greenwich Mean TimeWas introduced. Standard time was not legislated until 1880, but other railroad companies also adopted Greenwich Mean Time following the Great Western Railway. And Britain said that each country in the world also proposes to follow Greenwich Mean Time, even if it is late at night elsewhere, London should be noon noon if it is noon. However, since people in each area emphasized local time, in reality this proposal was not adopted.

byLucas Davies

However, a state where there was no standard time was clearly disadvantageous for business such as transportation industry, so some compromise was done. When the International Meridian Conference was held in Washington, USA in 1884, the UK issued Greenwich Mean Time for time and latitude measurementsPrime meridianIt is said that we asked each country to adopt it as a country. The UK owns more ships together with ships of other countries, as technologies such as charts were also developed.

And when Greenwich Mean Time became a worldwide standard, the world was adjusted to be divided within three time zones, so that the time difference between Greenwich Mean Time and noon in each place is within 30 minutes.

Even at this point, standardization of time slowly advanced. In November 1883 the railroad companies in the United States and Canada adjusted watches, but some cities such as Detroit still adopted sunshine time. In 1900, the city council of Detroit ordered the clock to be adjusted, but this order was later invalidated. And in 1918, the standard time was decided in the United States only after the "Standard Time Act" passed through during the First World War.

byDarren Bockman

A new technology called railroad has changed the relationship between the world and time, but as of 2018, the technology is about to change the way of time newly. In the UK, the analog clock was removed from the room where the tests were conducted at school, and a round clock with digital clock was introduced instead. This is a consideration for students of generations familiar with digital notation to make time easier to read. Malcolm Trobe of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) said about this change: "Students do not want us to spend time asking" How much more time are left? "I am speaking.

in Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log