"STANDARD COGNITION" in which treasurers pick up and pick up items in hand in real time and accounting finishes in an instant is looking for engineers working in Japan

In the supermarket's cashier, wait for the treasurer and change the situation of lining up in the long line, so that the camera automatically recognizes the items that people have in real time, and if you stand in front of the cash register instantly A breakthrough system showing the total amount of "STANDARD COGNITIONIt is under development. Since STANDARD COGNITION is looking for engineers to work in Japan, is not Japanese firms planning to introduce the STANDARD COGNITION system? It is considered to be.

STANDARD COGNITION - AI-powered checkout

You can see what STANDARD COGNITION is like from the following movie. Since two movies are published in June and August 2017, it seems that as of May 2018 the system is further evolving.

Autonomous Checkout, Real Time System v0.1 - YouTube

Four men standing in front of the shelves were displayed on the screen. Each has a bottle in his / her hand, and the bottle is displayed in a color-coded manner that shows the letter "shampoo", which shows who has it.

Return shampoo to shelf ......

Taking another bottle, the display also changed to "rhubarb hand soap".

Also, if you take the conditioner, the display changes again. The display also moves with the movement of the hand, and you can clearly see who is grasping the bottle at which position.

Furthermore, in the movie titled "v0.21", how the system responds to the developmental movements, such as throwing a bottle out of the box or removing it from the box, also shows how accounting ends in a moment.

Autonomous Checkout, Real Time System v0.21 - YouTube

Unlike the previous movie, a man who takes two bottles. Both bottles are firmly recognized.

Two bottles held by another male are shown in purple. It is possible to know who has what in real time.

When the man on the left hands the facial cleansing soap ......

This time the man on the right side was recognized as "having a cleansing soap". On the other hand, the name of the item is not written on the man on the left.

Even those that are not on the shelf are recognized properly at the moment they are picked up.

I have ketchup in my hand ......

I threw with a pawn.

A man on the left catches you. The place where ketchup is present continues to be recognized even if thrown.

This time a cooler box appeared.

When I took out an item from the cooler box, I was initially recognized as "cooler" ......

Immediately it changed to the word "single tp".

When you bring the items you purchase to the cash register ......

Screen displayed as "Sc" ......

It switched to the accounting screen automatically. It detects the products that people have just by approaching, and shows the total amount.

The only thing the buyer must do is to check the contents and press the button "Purchase".

This Standard Cognition wrote to Hacker News, an engineer of ReactNative,DevOpsWe are looking for engineers and machine learning experts. According to the contents written, the workplace is in Harajuku, Japan, "Japanese is not essential but it will be a positive factor". From this content, it seems that Japanese companies are trying to introduce Standard Cognition checkout payment settlement.

Work in Harajuku and transform the way the world shops $ 100k - $ 180k | Hacker News

in Software,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log