A breakthrough tool "Allen Integrated Cell" that allows you to freely move human cells in a 3D model and see real "cellular world"

In answer to the question of what the structure of the cell is, "outermostCell membraneThere, in itCytoplasmThere is, afterwardsMitochondriaYaCell nucleusThere are many people who imagine the contents that are in the textbook. However, such explanation is "It is great as a starting point of biology, but it is different from the real world", so you can make the cell a 3D model and understand the structure of the cell with a single shot in the image instead of the word A project that made it soAllen Integrated Cell"is.

Allen Integrated Cell - Allen Cell Explorer

A movie that explains why researchers created Allen Integrated Cell can be seen from the following.

Allen Integrated Cell: A new way to see inside live human cells

"For the people, the cell is an image that there is a circle in the circle and various tissues are floating outside the center circle, which comes from the image in the high school textbook That's what it says,Allen cytology laboratoryMr. Greg Johnson.

Rick Horwitz, chief researcher at Allen's cytology laboratories, also said, "For the people, all images of cells are" what we saw in biology textbooks ".

"It may be wonderful as a starting point for biology, but it is different from the real world."

"If you can see the real cells in detail, you can see how all the organizations are working together," Graham Johnson says.

According to Mr. Graham, "that experience brings about a major change in the spirit of people".

Researchers at the Allen cytology laboratory think that people should know more about the cells that are moving their bodies.

Researcher Molly Maleckar said, "It is important to really understand cell biology."

Allen Integrated Cell is the first attempt to observe many constituent elements in the cell at the same time.

Researchers at the Allen cytology laboratory, based on huge amounts of data obtained from tens of thousands of cells ... ...

We have constructed a 3D model of cells.

From the page of Allen Integrated Cell, it is possible to see while moving cells freely in 3D. It seems to display the structure of the cell which the expert can not directly observe in the model trained by machine learning.

Allen Integrated Cell was surprising to many researchers.

Michael Elowitz of the California Institute of Technology said, "This idea that the protein structure can be seen without any signs is truly amazing."

"Integrated viewing of the various tissues within the cell has never been possible."

Greg said, "The Allen Integrated Cell project is a tool for democratizing cytology," he says.

Allen Integrated Cell can basically be used for free and everyone can enter the world of cytology.

Rick said, "For me this is a magical thing," he emphasized the splendor of Allen Integrated Cell.

Allen Integrated Cell is accessible from official website. I will actually touch the 3D model on the official website.

Allen Integrated Cell - Allen Cell Explorer

As you scroll down the top page of the official website, you click the button "Open Viewer" so click.

The viewer of Allen Integrated Cell opens. Cells found in Allen Integrated CellInduced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells)is. "PROBABILISTIC MODEL" at the top is a model that labels proteins in cells and color-codes each protein ... ...

"LABEL FREE" is a model that measured the three-dimensional position of protein by transmitted light image. It does not mean "the place where the protein actually exists", respectively, it seems to display a 3D model predicted by AI "a place where probable protein exists".

On the upper part of the screen is displayed a 3D model labeled only for a specific protein in the cell and you can select cells with a label attached to your favorite protein. The cell name is classified by the symbol "AICS (Allen Integrated Cell Science) -" specific number "", and in order to know the protein labeled from the number, the name of the Allen cytology laboratoriesCell catalogIt is necessary to see. AICS-11Tom 20It is a 3D model of the cell labeled with a protein called Tom 20, where the location of Tom 20 is shown in red.

From the left side of the viewer, you can freely add the proteins displayed in the cell.α actininI showed α actinin in yellow on the 3D model.

Drag the 3D model with the cursor and move it easily.

Even those without detailed biological knowledge became 3D viewers who enjoyed just turning colors properly and enjoying just rotating the model.

in Review,   Web Service,   Science, Posted by log1h_ik