Microsoft publishes a website that can generate free real art images on AI

In collaboration with the Metropolitan Museum of Art located in New York, USA and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) , Microsoft has developed " Gen Studio " that can create fictitious art using AI. AI is open to the public on the website, and anyone can enjoy fictional art freely.

Gen Studio

Gen Studio - Microsoft AI lab

In 2017, the Metropolitan Museum of Art has released images of more than 375,000 well-known art works for free and people around the world can freely see and use artwork images of the Metropolitan Museum of Art It was.

Metropolitan Museum of Art publishes more than 370,000 artworks at free & freely available CC 0 - GIGAZINE

In celebration that such a project of the Metropolitan Museum of Art will celebrate the second year in 2019, two days of Hackathon cooperated by Microsoft, MIT and the Metropolitan Museum of Art are supposed to be held. In Hackathon, we aimed to develop "AI that can create fictitious art images" by combining image data published by the Metropolitan Museum of Art with the latest AI technology.

This is a movie summarized about the project done in Hackathon.

Gen Studio

"The Metropolitan Museum of Art provides wonderful services not only to the people who visited but also to people around the world ..."

Max Hollein, director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the world's largest art museum ... ...

In 2017 we released a lot of image data for free.

In Hackathon conducted at Microsoft, MIT and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, it was said that the development of AI which generates imaginary art by combining the published image data and AI.

The project used hostile generation network (GAN) which is a type of artificial intelligence algorithm. GAN is an algorithm used in " unsupervised learning " where what should be output is not decided.

In the GAN, two neural network systems are used. When one neural network called "Generator" generates a fictitious art image ......

A competing neural network called "Discriminator" determines whether the generated art image is genuine or not.

When it is judged that the art image is fake, the Generator evolves to generate more accurate art images, and on the contrary Discriminator gradually increases the judgment accuracy of the image. By this iteration, the imaginary art generation AI will increase accuracy.

People with a very strong enthusiasm are gathered in Hackathon ... ...

On the second day it seems that AI has been completed with higher accuracy than I imagined.

This AI system named " Gen Studio " is published on the official website , and anyone can enjoy the art produced by AI for free. When accessing the site, a lot of images were displayed so as to cross the screen. All of this image is generated by AI, but it seems that I think that it is art which is really held in the Metropolitan Museum of Art simply by looking lightly.

You can also see other images by clicking the arrow at the edge of the screen. There are many images such as vases, jugs, cloths.

Click "Select a Category" in the upper right to select the type of art to display. Armor (Kinoe胄), Ewers (pitcher), Goblets ( goblet ), Purses (bag), Teapots (teapot), it can be selected from categories such as Vases (vase), a category such as the accuracy of the issues that the or sculptures and paintings not exist did not.

Try selecting "Purses", the bag image of an atmosphere-like atmosphere was aligned with the slurry.

Click "GENERATE (generate)" at the bottom of the screen ... ...

One image generated by AI and a gray dot extending from six artworks were displayed.

By clicking and dragging the point closer to the image of the bag, the image generated by the AI on the left also changes to a thing that looks like a bag.

When approaching the teapot, the image of AI also increases to the teapot likeness accordingly ......

It is also possible to generate images that look like real boiling in a good condition.

Click "SAVE IMAGE" to save the image generated by AI.

Also, when you click "EXPLORE SIMILAR" ......

I was able to see genuine collection images close to the image generated by AI.

The source code of Gen Studio is open source, and it is published in GitHub.

GitHub - Microsoft / GenStudio: A website for exploring the Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection with Generative Advisory Networks

in Review,   Software,   Web Service,   Video,   Art, Posted by log1h_ik