"Subtle Patterns" site that can download large amounts of background textures for free

When you want to experiment with various background textures such as web pages, about 300 types of textures can be downloaded and downloaded "Subtle Patterns"is. This texture is also OK for commercial use. Check texture and download it from the following.

Subtle Patterns | Free textures for your next web project

About 300 kinds of background textures are as follows. The number is displayed on the thumbnail display page.

◆ 01

◆ 02

◆ 03

◆ 04

◆ 05

◆ 06

◆ 07

◆ 08

◆ 09

◆ 10

◆ 11

◆ 12

◆ Download method
Official siteWhen accessing, the texture is displayed in the list display.

When downloading a texture you like ...

Click "Download" at the bottom left of the texture and it is OK.

To display the preview as a trial, move the mouse cursor to the center of the displayed feature and click "PREVIEW".

You can make a texture background as follows.

You can stop the preview by clicking "STOP PREVIEW".

To display thumbnails, click "THUMBNAILS" at the top of the page.

The display changes as follows.

Mouse over the texture you like and click and ......

It becomes the display of only the selected texture, and the download preview display is possible.

By clicking "light" "dark" "paper" "stripes" "wall" "fabric" "noise" "diamond" "grid" "carbon" in "Top Tags" at the bottom of the page texture of the clicked feature You can also display only the list.

in Web Service,   Design, Posted by darkhorse_log