Clearly that mysterious companies are building face recognition databases from enormous images collected from Facebook, YouTube, etc.

byArs Electronica

Based on images and photographs gathered from social media such as Facebook and YouTube for at least 5 years, the existence of Israeli corporation that builds a huge facial recognition database is described as an American economic magazineForbesIt is clarifying.

These Ex-Spies Are Harvesting Facebook Photos For A Massive Facial Recognition Database

Israeli company is using Facebook, YouTube to build a sketchy database

TerrogenceIs a company established by former spy of Israel, the parent companyVerintTogether with it, it is said that it provides various technologies to government organizations dealing with information and security in the US, such as the National Security Agency (NSA) and the US Navy.

Face recognition system developed by Terrogence in 2017 is "Face-Int". A huge facial information database that is the core of Face-Int contains profiles of thousands of suspects gathered from social media such as YouTube and Facebook and various net forums. Face-Int not only has facial photos registered, but also has access to fine personal information such as portraits, hometowns and affiliated organizations.

Since Face - Int can identify suspects of terrorism in a matter of minutes from surveillance camera images, it can also be used for post - mortem analysis of airports and border checks and police and intelligence agencies, so "citizens to the last It is appealed as "to be used safely for you". A similar face recognition system has also been adopted in China and the UK, and in ChinaWe have already achieved results.

Official website of TerrogenceIt states that "We are extracting the face from more than 35,000 pictures and movies on the web that shot a state of terrorist training and actual terrorist attacks." However, since the content of the official website has not changed since 2013, Forbes said, "As of five years, the number of photos and movies used in databases is far greater than 35,000 points It is expected to be ". Forbes asked for comment by Terrogence co-founder Shai Arbel but he refused.

bySouthbank Center

Forbes interviewed the former employee who worked as an analyst at Terrogence and "LinkedIn"I was involved in the investigation of" political / anti-social group "using" In addition, Forbes has questioned "how Terrogence gathered personal images from Facebook and closed net forums"Cambridge · AnalyticaIn addition to that we assert that there are many organizations using Facebook's rich information.

in Software,   Web Service,   Security, Posted by log1i_yk