Headline news on 4th April 2018

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:13 Apr 04, 2018, may contains some machine-translated parts.
If you would like to suggest a corrected translation, please click here.

Although it was released on February 28, 2018, it was a low-rated storm mainly on graphics and UISteam Version Chrono Trigger, Square Enix announced that it will update over the next few months in a way that accepts opinions and requests.

CHRONO TRIGGER :: Steam version "Chrono Trigger" update scheduled to be updated

First of all, in the first half of April, the function to select the current "high resolution graphic" and "original graphic" which reproduces the dot representation of the original is added. Other changes will be revealed at the time of this update delivery. As a result of this update, the sales deadline for early buyers' limited edition will be postponed until April 30 (Monday).

By the way, I posted such an article on the same day of the same month in the past.

A company that embeds a microchip that carries out NFC communication within the employee's body - GIGAZINE

Android finally outweighs the worldwide share of the Internet with Windows - GIGAZINE

In the world "Younte's rule" transmitted to Denmark known as "happy country" - GIGAZINE

Possibility thin film to desalinate seawater using the graphene can be produced at low cost and in large amounts - GIGAZINE

It's not too late to start exercise, it's clear that you can keep young muscles over tens of years old - GIGAZINE

The existence of "Panama document" revealing how huge enterprises · HNWIs hide large sums of money in tax havens etc. - GIGAZINE

Inexpensive, Wi-Fi & power supply usable · Take a night service bus at 140 ° reclining "VIP Liner 101/102 flights" - GIGAZINE

"Moss' s exquisite" Kyoto vegetable burger "" limited to 30 meals a day that can only be eaten in Kyoto is the adult flavor of Kyo vegetables as the leading character - GIGAZINE

Ten things to do when 30 years old to spend the future happy - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Rikkyo research group: workers ants, each other's spawning "crackdown" - Mainichi Newspaper

Stress relief at wild Japanese macaons hot springs or Kyoto University Group | NHK News

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Prime Minister "with high ethical standards" taught to rookie civil servants | NHK News

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism on the road, Osaka Aviation Bureau, etc. - Mainichi Newspaper

JR East Install security cameras on all trains to be introduced in the future | NHK News

And depends on the JR East, recorded video is limited to employees who can be viewed in consideration of the passengers of privacy, but it will be overwritten in about one week, if there is a request from the police, such as investigation of the incident, there is also to provide about it.

"Do not pull on the situation in the North Korean situation that is uncomfortable with Chinese foreign minister Kono's remarks" - Kyodo News

US Local Bureau "Fake" CNN Attack? Strong: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Synchronized with Mr. Trump? Giant media, ruling 193 districts in rural areas: Asahi Shimbun Digital

According to CNN, which reported such movements in early March, Sinclair instructed each station to read the message within the time of the news program, not the commercial. He said that he pushed "I should not change one phrase." One of the announcers said, "It seemed to be a captured prisoner of war forced to read the message," and some say that "the morale of the site has fallen back."

Piping of "life expectancy 47 years", hole after 11 years Genkai nuclear power plant: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Taxation from wealthy people perfectly, information collection of serious taxes: society: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

Iraqi daily report: "Further document" Government battle desperation desperation desperate to dissatisfaction If it is dissatisfied - Mainichi Newspaper

Arrested on suspicion of attempted murder by arresting suspiciously stabbed arms by Asami Shimbun Digital

Anger of high school students forced transparent backpack instead of gun control | Akihiko Kuroizumi | Column | Newsweek Japan Official Site

At the high school in Florida where gun shooting occurred in February, a transparent vinyl backpack was mandated, calling for further anger by the students who were at the forefront of the gun control movement

Tokyo Newspaper: Mr. Maekawa Class of Literature, Ministry of Education, Nagoya Nagoya City School Board of Education: Society (TOKYO Web)

Municipal board seeking black painting = MEXT, Mr. Maekawa Mail of class: Current affairs dot com

New Toshiba Chairperson "Pillars to Replace the Semiconductor Business" To Establish a Business Selection Team | NHK News

Nursing care staff Salary ¥ 10,000 more Increase raise payment system Add remuneration to the workplace that we made | NHK News

Religious world: the shadow of ripple intervention in national supplementary research - Mainichi Newspapers

CNN.co.jp: Discovery of eavesdropping devices around Washington, the capital of the United States Department of Homeland Security

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission misrepresented nuclear plans inside the nucleus - Sankei news

Focus: Restoration difficulties in Atlanta city, cyber attack and ask for paper and telephone

CNN.co.jp: Odor in the town with 4500 tons of excretion, voice of anger from the local rice Rice - (1/2)

United States: Mexico border "military utilization and security" President Trump - Mainichi Shimbun

CNN.co.jp: American fighter crashes in eastern Africa Pilots escape

CNN.co.jp: National Railway St throughout France, for more than 80% for 3 months running off

Three men unconscious unknown car Akita falls from highway bridge | NHK News

China, rice to the WTO case "Retaliation of the same scale": Nihon Keizai Shimbun

"Nightmare resistant bacteria" found in the first nationwide surveillance spread - Kyodo News

Before unfair acquiescence President as part-time advisor Mitsubishi Materials subsidiary: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Young people group banned from entering Warning statement Fukui Station West Exit in Hapirin Nuisance | Society | News of Fukui | Fukui Shimbun ONLINE

Representative's "fainter", a case where no trace remains of the minutes of the minutes: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Delete minutes if criticized? Recently, such cases have been going on in the Diet one after another. However, the minutes are material for knowing the political background that triggered the qualities and remarks of politicians who said, and it is worthwhile as historical material. In the first place, the words that came out once can not be undone easily. Is not deleting too easy?

Former spy attempted attempted neurogenic agent, can not be proved to be made in Russia British Institute 2 pictures International news: AFPBB News

Constitution · Mr. Edano "politics and administrative politics" remarks Labor bureau director: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism on the road, Osaka Aviation Bureau, etc. - Mainichi Newspaper

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
【From Garigari to Macho】 Two years of muscle training summary - AKIOBLOG

About the removal of the Nara · Goldfish phone box, the story seen from the writer claiming the work - Togetter

Yamamoto Nobu - My work "Messages" [alleged plagiarism] or [author's spirituality] the end of the uproar ... ... Facebook

I do not know who it is, but I thought that he designed this observatory was a genius. This is "design victory". - Togetter

When men can also take childcare leave at company, talk about the new darkness "born non-mobilize" born - Togetter

"" Boxed girls were male "Capybara of the Kochi Aquarium | NHK News

Tilting utility pole · Due to closure of school, population drastic reduction Yubari, exhaustion and patience days: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Expansion mobile bill, university student's annual living expenses increased by 24,000 yen: economy: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

Visually impaired: accompanied with a guide dog, refused to enter the store 60% farther improved - Mainichi Newspaper

Repair cost "120,000 yen" was also charged when leaving the rent! Do I have to pay? - lawyer dot com

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Google Developers Japan: About deactivating Symantec's PKI: confirming compliance

"Instant bamboo" rapidly increasing number of visitors to the exercise forest university is struggling to respond Fukuoka | NHK News

Amazon Japan: Up to 50% increase in shipping fee price, due to increase in physical distribution expenses - Mainichi Newspaper

[Fishing] Serious girls who were shy away from geeks started an intern at an IT company in Akihabara. - fragonar's blog

A story that made visual check of service efficient with headless browser | raahii | note

Residents where engineers should definitely not go - Togetter

Update on compliance with new era code? Japan New Era Name Support Blog

Alipay's secret that profits even if the fee is zero - Chinese IT latest situation

Difference between iOS and Google voice input. Though it's crispy but I love it iOS VS heavier though more accurate Google - Kazuyo Katsuma's thoroughly uploading a maniac story blog

About relocating the office | Cyber ​​Agent Co., Ltd.

The relocation destination will be "Shibuya scramble" scheduled to be completed in Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, where media, game and head office functions moved to the complex building "Abema Towers (reading: Avema Towers)" to be completed in Udagawa- Square "advertising business is scheduled to move in.

Google service to optimize by considering user's data plan such as how to reduce giga - ASnoKaze blog

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
【Overload Ⅲ】 TV Animation 3rd Decision CM (started broadcasting in July 2018) - YouTube

"Space Battleship Yamato 2202 Ai no Senshi" 2199TV Series - Digest from Chapter IV - PV on YouTube

【Special Issue】 "My Hero Accademia THE MOVIE? 2 Heroes (Hero)?" / August 3 (Friday) released - YouTube

First episode "Notice of closing" WEB announcement / TV animation "Last period - Endless spiral story -" - YouTube

Phantom in the Twilight PV 1st - YouTube

Animation private private graduation thesis | Kei Yoshimizu | note

I wonder why I in the CG field studied painting for three years and challenged original drawings as 44 years old, I think that it is not an era to do "inner ringotome" with drawings and CG etc. Because it is. Just as in "SHIROBAKO" 6 episode.

In PIXAR / Disney, a long time ago CG and painting cooperated to produce a movie. I think that Japanese animation is entering an era in which painting and CG cooperate to produce next generation animation. As in the era when the game changed from Super Fami to Preste, Japanese animation is also in the midst of change. Opportunities are born in times of change. And the time to grab opportunities is not a strong but a qualified. In order to be qualified, I would like to enjoy the challenge from tomorrow as a drawing and CG animator.

"Detroit: Become Human" "KARA" Technical Demo (2013) - YouTube

"Detroit: Become Human" Interview with David Cage / "KARA" - YouTube

Special information: "Detroit: Become Human" released on May 25, 2018 - YouTube

"Fate / Grand Order -Cosmos in the Lostbelt-" Permafrost Empire Anastasia 30s CM - YouTube

Calorie Mate web movie | "Recommended, Carolina." Preview - YouTube

Game company "No need to insert new elements (sense of mission)": Game lazy news

Is there a game that will be interesting in the first game in 5 minutes? : Game lazy news

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Olympic medals from "home appliance parts", collection amount insufficiently difficult: society: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

Dog Pen Isetobu Kurou, About a grudge against a dangerous ball Take a fun with no more justice Nobody's going to make you cry "Read everyone going to the stadium" - Togetter

Nakajidai fighting in Hiroshima warfare inadequate ... In apologies for criticism apologize himself: Nanjiashi Stadium @ N J Summary

Osaka Kagaku wins the Spring succession! 3rd school eyes for the first time in 36 years Neeno continues for the first time ever for the second consecutive year Pitcher: Nanjiashi Stadium @ N J Summary

[Sad news] Major version of manga "OHTANI", from the first week too much] MLB] Summary Taro!

1: Mr. Anonymous @ Opun 2018/04/04 (Wed) 14: 29: 57 ID: tGp
Hit first at the batter at the opening game
Three days later as the pitcher cleared QS and won the first victory
Three hits including a first hitter in batters two days later

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
How in the afternoon tea time? An elegant moment with awesome "scone" "Sugorn brown sugar mushroom" new appearance

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt