Headline news on March 2, 2018

From Saturday, March 3, 2018, the movie "Masked Rider Exe Trilogy Another / Ending Part III Kamen Rider Genome VS Laser"Will be released. This work is a TV series "Kamen Rider Exeide"It is a work decorating the last of" God Maximum Mighty X ", who is the strongest enemy in the work who got" God Maximum Mighty X ", who has noticed the key to stop Rizo against Dan Lippo who self-designates" God "Kujyo Takashi Toshiya challenges the battle over the fate of the world.

Kamen Rider Exe Trilogy Another Ending Kamen Rider Gam VS Laser Trailer - YouTube

© Ishimori Pro, ADK, Bandai, Toei Video, Toei

By the way, I posted such an article on the same day of the same month in the past.

It is reported that nine popular password managers such as "1 Password" and "LastPass" are at risk of information leakage - GIGAZINE

How did you combine hand-drawn animation and live-action video with reality in the era without CG? - GIGAZINE

Due to SSL vulnerability, it turned out that more than 11 million HTTPS sites worldwide including major Japanese sites could be attacked - GIGAZINE

Simply putting on a smartphone as a thermo camera "FLIR ONE" I tried shooting various things - GIGAZINE

Michelin 2 star restaurant introduces 3D printer and is challenging new cuisine - GIGAZINE

A fierce man who made a helmet to translate machine language of "Pippapapopipo" talked by Star Wars R2 - D2 appeared - GIGAZINE

Bicycle saddles of different dimension betraying a strange appearance "Infinity Seat" test drive review - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (Memo · Others)

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
A bird that sleeps on a giraffe is found | National Geographic Japan version site

If you were decorating on the black stone entrance you found in the field ... the meteorite 4.6 billion years ago! | NHK News

Mr. Katsuyuki Mitsuzumura (74), an office worker in Gifu City, had found a dark, shiny and strange stone during farming work six years ago and decorated it at the entrance, but read a feature article on the meteorite However, I decided to have it studied at Gifu Seikulakuen University which I got acquainted with.
A professor at the university asked the University of Tokyo, the National Institute of Polar Research, etc. to analyze, this stone weighing about 6.5 kilometers is an "iron meteorite" iron accounting for 93%, the ratio of nickel is compared In low Japan I found it was the type that was confirmed for the first time.

This type of iron meteorite is believed to have been formed by iron melting in high temperature inside the celestial body called a planet formed by collecting chile of the universe in the process of making the solar system about 4.6 billion years ago It is done.

The meteorite is named after the place name of the place of discovery "Nagara meteorite" and was officially registered in the International Meteorite Society last month.
It is the first time in 15 years that a meteorite is discovered in Japan.

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Linear bid rigging incident Taisai and Kajima executives are arrested Antitrust violation | NHK News

【Breaking News】 Prime Minister Abe, Mr. Akie's Reply "Is not an Important Problem": Asahi Shimbun Digital

Mori written document, rewritten by Ministry of Finance or "exceptional" etc. Words disappear: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Regarding the decision documents prepared by the Ministry of Finance at the time of state-owned transaction with the school corporation · Morihito Gakuen (Osaka city), contents of the document at the time of contract and contents of the documents disclosed to parliamentarians after discovering the problem in February last year It turned out that there was a difference. Writing about negotiations with the school side and wording such as "special case" are lost or changed in several places. According to several stakeholders, there is a suspicion that it was rewritten after the problem was discovered.

Mori Fumii document, suspicion of rewriting Ministry of Finance, after problems discovery or negotiation process etc. Asahi Shimbun Digital

Mori Fumi allegations rewritten allegations "to investigate" Upper House Committee Ministry of Finance: Asahi Shimbun Digital

JC 'Uyu-kun' deleting accounts Republic of Republic of Korea and Rep. Mr. Asahi Shimbun Digital

"Nobel Peace Prize for Mr. Trump" Recommendation letter, possibility of counterfeit: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Cut vegetables to increase import demand due to increased demand for cabbage use | NHK News

CNN.co.jp: Lassa fever in Nigeria, unprecedented pandemic medical staff also infected - (1/2)

Blue bottle coffee advances to Kyoto Machiya near Nanzenji Refurbishment: Asahi Shimbun Digital

President of SUBARU to accept new fraud June retirement | NHK News

Linear bid rigging incident Taisai and Kajima executives are arrested Antitrust violation | NHK News

Taisen Managing Executive and Kashima executives arrested Linear collusion rumors: Asahi Shimbun Digital

The use of hotel by Sagawa National Tax Agency is privately-sponsored Government's answer decision | NHK News

'A squirrel' America's fierce opposition to steel tariffs in Japan Japan's cautious attitude: Asahi Shimbun Digital

China: To build the first domestically produced nuclear aircraft carrier State-owned shipbuild major planned - Mainichi Newspaper

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
35-year-old mom "Nursery school fell, let's open by yourself": Society: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

"A recent young teacher does not feel motivated to go home at 5 pm" Contest by a deputy principal's newspaper letter is controversial - Togetter

Is "post collapse" progressing in some areas of Kanagawa Prefecture? "There are areas where mails are not delivered for more than 10 days now" "Completely collapsed in the second half of February" - Togetter

No matter what happens I keep sleeping 8 hours absolutely every day for 4 months - 4 octopus eggs

Basically "When you do sleep for 8 hours when a common society person practices, you can not do anything."

'Fare is too expensive' Hokuto Line, mayor of Inquiry request price reduction | Local Line · Public Transportation | Toyo Keizai Online | New Standards of Economic News

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
AI to imitate gender discrimination, experts alarm bell pictures 1 international news: AFPBB News

Cyber ​​Security Novel Contest - Kakuyom

Google Developers Japan: We hold event Voice UI Designer Meetup Tokyo that focuses on interactive interface

Combine UserData, OpsWorks and Lambda and always operate the service with fresh SpotFleet instance - VASILY DEVELOPERS BLOG | VASILY TEC BLOG

Brought a cross-platform Flutter to the development of Android / iOS applications | najeira | note

Reverse Proxy Test Improvement with Changes to Nginx - Cookpad Developer Blog

We adopt Ruby's core committer, programming language Ruby's core committer · Nakamura Yusaku to accelerate Ruby development and ImageFlux development | PIXIV Co., Ltd.

I summarized the DDoS attack that abused memcached - piyolog

Changes in the environment surrounding the cyber agent network over the past 3 years / cyberagent - adtech - network - for - these - 3 years // Speaker Deck

The problem of "era" troubling IT engineers ... Troubled at "government-made desmachi" - lawyer dot com

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Men's desire to be packed more than Tsundere into Ranobet: Asahi Shimbun Digital

"Mirai of the future" notice - YouTube

Movie "Penguin Highway" special information - YouTube

If you are an otaku, please write a long sentence to compliment what you like | Maki | note

【Biscuit ~ Biscuits】】 PV - YouTube

Theater version "Fate [HF]]" Chapter 1 BD / ANIPLEX + bonus game "RUN! RUN! Lancer!" Sample Movie - YouTube

VALKYRIE PROFILE - LENNETH - / Valkyrie Profile - Renas -: First Teaser Trailer 2018 - YouTube

5/24 release! 【P3D · P5D】 Atlas Selection DLC Introduction Video - YouTube

"Detroit: Become Human" Announce trailer (Short ver.) - YouTube

Nintendo Switch (TM) "NARUTO - Naruto Shippuden Narutimate Storm Trilogy for Nintendo Switch" / PV - YouTube

Sincariaon: Analysis of reasons for animation popularity as a "masters" rather than poptepy - MANTANWEB (MANTAN web)

"The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild" Original soundtrack released! | Topics | Nintendo

For ten years I found the author of the doujinshi I was looking for.

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)

The prize of 1 million yen paid to the designer of the Tokyo Olympic official mascot is too cheap? However, the comment of the designer himself was too wonderful - Togetter

Defense Successful Iwasa Tears Anger on Floating Neri "I want you to leave the boxing world" / Fight / Daily Sports online

Confessed that Mr. Minami Tanabe and Mr. Saka were threatened to quit "Please quit the coach of Ikei" "I will let the national team quit" / Wrestling - Sports - SANSPO.COM (Sansupo)

To figure a Hanyu knight award for national honor award | NHK News

[Asset management] I would like to recommend Kochi horse race final race as a good investment property. - Remedy of racing horse racing

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
New proposal for drinks using domestic fruit material "Tsugaru no apple" "Kishu plum sparkling" "Hokkaido Hask Cup sparkling" newly released from March 5, 2018 (Monday) | News release | About Pokka Sapporo | Pokka Sapporo food & Beverage

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